#219: Violence and Philosophy

What has violence to do with philosophy? Violence is still struggling to find itself in its Begriffsdefiniton. This alone seems tremendously violent expire. Where up until the 1960s, the focus was on the physical violence, transformed by Habermas, this focus, because ultimately it could be argued, that everywhere around us around violence is. Social, linguistic, political … Violence is common to all media, in art and in their parents- and being a child.

Even Sartre indicates, that violence does not exist without the presence. Thus guilt are anyway the other. And who does not know the? Not only of his children and himself there seems to be getting easier to relativize. He or she started and thus acts to be justified.

A definition, which appeals to me personally, is the, that violence is negated and violated the others in their diversity. Where otherness describes not visible otherness necessarily, which of course can (starting with big ears) but often is just something, what is not tangible, what makes us different in our way from the others.

Children are particularly affected, one hand, in their own distinct from the others and on the other hand in the Injured If by words and language and behavior. You can be at least equally injured, as by physical force. But we see, unfortunately, often the only visible injury and not the other.

#218: my problems with Kant

I've so a few personal feelings with Kant and this semester it is time, that I have to ask him. For I have the same 2 Seminars and a main lecture on Kant, his morality, of practical reason and the categories included. I did not like him so far actually, because he looks like a withered hand so unappealing. Das muss man – I think – may say, because for him it also often involves beliefs and perceptions. Aesthetics after Kant was not about the art and the beautiful things, but it, how we can look at the subject and thus give him knowledge. And my conclusion was, that he comes across simply unsympathetic. So null Humor und so. He was also of the opinion, that may be found only someone inlet at his academy, understands the mathematics.

He also likes to talk about the “us” and does not mean the number of individuals we, but he thinks the “transzendentale Subjekt”. It is complicated and you might almost think, that it makes it a lot of fun, that we need to think again, what he calls here so therefore thinks. Because ultimately it does say, that we “practice, practice, need to practice in order to understand”.

#217: Learning to learn

In high school we had a workshop, parents learn with the children to learn and really is almost too late. Children need to learn already before, how to study properly. What can be their individual strategies, around vocabulary, To memorize grammar and homework watchlist.

For the homework note clearly WhatsApp has established with us, there occurs the exchange of numbers and temporal information, however, solutions are still bearing the words “this is cheating yes” not distributed. In general, we are very demanded as parents – weekly tests in biology, English and German (I'm going to Abprüf professional) and of course the daily homework. Where I find it questionable, if in English 3 Sites Words (including. complete sentences) Week must be learned for week, However, pages and even a chapter was omitted in the book, as children, the “alone” to teach. How does it work?

Today is a re- “Learning to Learn Workshop”, the last I'm almost asleep, whether the frontal teaching and the “NO-na-ned-well-intentioned-advice”. I do not have time to be there, my princess and I'm already sorry. Here, a didactically well aufbereite learning hours would certainly valuable for the children would be, because they all of a sudden from the “No-No” Elementary school in the world “uns-bist-du-L egal” Gymnasiumswelt Fallen. I will collect the princess all time, because the path to adulthood is long enough and does not have within 6 Be completed months.

#216: considerable

I never would have thought, I once myself as a “Considerable” would feel, fast spiessig, I have a problem with, as some adults behave. Of course, the family saw yesterday on the super bikes from, and I mean really cool stylish in leather jacket, cool clothes and flying hair … And I know, I look really stupid with the bicycle helmet, I still a Hutgesicht (allegedly) have. But I wear a, not only because I want to be a role model to my children, needs and wants, but also, because it is simply safer. And of course I demand from my children, that they must wear a helmet, because children now not only do not have the experience of us adults on the road, but also, because they provide less, are less visible and vulnerable in traffic. And so it is stupid to go by the cool and well-dressed adults without a helmet, but to let their children go without a helmet in the middle of Vienna on the road, is stupid, arrogant and irresponsible.

In contrast, the unpacking and food or. Drink of unpaid items in the supermarket of course petty, but I do not like it anyway. Particularly, when it assumes such proportions, that will make not only eaten a Semmerl for the young, but the whole family uses the supermarket shopping for a mobile picnic.
My mom always told me, that we have to pay our first purchases, precisely because they do not belong in front of us, and finally is it true. And none of these children or parents looks after, that it is not 10 Could wait minutes. In our latitudes hunger periods are rare. Learn to wait and be patient, is probably not so wrong to learn for the next generation, particularly, It's possible that only a minor, but if I always conveys this feeling, that everything is in stock and immediately available, is the unlikely happen.

Sometimes it's the little things and sometimes not, show us, What values ​​and attitudes we ourselves have. And so I'm just really stuffy, at least a little sometimes.

#215: The Wiesn

Yesterday I was the first time at the Vienna Oktoberfest tent and my experiences based on various circus visits and a unique trade fair in the country Linzer ago 15 Years (and should not have been impressive, otherwise I would be much more firmly in the saddle swaying).
Thus we have arrived at the swaying and Einsingen, Sing along, Not Singing the previous evening. The mood of the audience increases with alcohol consumption and in turn increases, because the popular concertina force between every other song “Ein Prosit”-Song demands and promptly respond to the tables and toasting with liter semi Krügeln wine or beer with larger vessels to. In general, the interval was initially much higher than at the end of the performance, but that was probably because, that they were not so sure of himself probably, that they bring together an appropriate group dynamics euphoria. So be it, it worked. Even the not spank outstanding intellectuals (which can be seen in the mass of the Dirndl and Lederhosen) then stood on the tables and have the “Hands to heaven” (will be happy, let us).

I know nothing, I do with the sway without appropriate motivational tips, because ultimately I know, why I'm there – to have fun. And I'd definitely. With my girlfriend J. I have a discofox (see entry before, how impressed I can be) laid, the one schlackern ears. Und ja, we needed something, because they had to learn to stop, who leads – and although I! What I noticed also a brave man leather pants, after 2 Rotations has abandoned “You losst the ned result.” …

About Ambiguity you do not need to think on such a hard.

#214: Playground Daddys

Last on the playground, I was really flashed, rundherum nur coole Papas in Baggypants, casual t-shirts, wild hairstyle Pitt and Ray-Bans on the nose. Almost pee in my pants I made but, I 2 particularly cool specimens saw her sitting on the bench, casually over the leg and beaten together chatting about the young, , mending, the Jausenbox and simply looked chic, while the junior was rolling in the mulch.
“So so hard that is not even.”
“Not stressful anyway, care of the child bisl.”
“The sun is already gorgeous today.”
“Go Lionel pass a bisl on.”

Unfortunately I missed the first quarrel, the scratch, that would like to follow, but the need to stick around, I want something sweet now, help me, not help me, come over’ finally with and listen to me …

#213: Formation stress

Education is much more than a festzuschreibendes goal in a society, it is the most important possibility and opportunity to a stable future to ensure. And for a country, a company is about much more than just economic concerns, but also to the security and stability of a democracy.

Education should not be the elixir power of the upper classes and elites also. Children will have fun and enjoy learning, Learn values, stand apart from GDP and perfect CV.

I belong to the low percentage, who are said, that they have little chance of a higher education, than their parents. My father has a completed apprenticeship, my mother was not even the time of their lives and laborer. Remote education I would not call my parents house still. With my father we discussed politics, Economic and social issues and often or almost constantly they were violently and run.
“You're's not there yet, where I am today. You'll see already, if you're even in my age …” My mother was the equalizing valve, tried to keep calm or crying in between, that they can no longer stand the us, every Sunday the same … You have us (my brother and me) left the room, learn to, to learn self-, to be critical.
So it's true, that education begins in the family network and needs to be strengthened. But it must not lead to, that the pressure on children is so enormous, that children only allowed to work – become a decal on their dedicated parents.

As countless often required, the education system should be changed. Ein System, that even with no school days from the 19 Century shines (Tuesday after Pentecost and Easter is therefore free, because teachers had earlier in the churches organ playing and we therefore asked them a free day available), but is more than hinterfragungswürdig, particularly, where we in 21 Century arrived.

Only WHY can not change this system, because I fail in my imagination, especially if ALL (Politics, Parents, Experts, Non-experts, Teachers, Student, …) want it.

#212: Make ethics liveable

At the moment I am working intensively with ethics, be it with business ethics, Leadership styles and the good life, from which movements, wie Degrowth, have developed. I read a lot, trying to make connections between philosophers of the past and present. And then I watch the news on … Refugee discussions, THE Miliz, Refugee dramas, Air strikes and parliamentary discussions on the refugee situation. In between, there is perhaps even Ebola, Wirtschaftspgrognosen, IPOs and Climate Summit.

What has actually changed to the wars of the past? Only the means and opportunities? Really want to so few to change the world to a better life, that it takes place behind closed doors?

The fantasies, the philosophers as M. Walnut, pursue, are fascinating. Full of hope for the, what stuck in people for opportunities, equal to Aristotle, is referenced to the. Yet, when I turn on the news, then so many doubts come up in me, what is feasible, whether it is possible to live, and and and.

#211: Leadership Theories 2

Contingency theories
Contingency theories focus on the variables that will be reflected in the environment and thus determine the best leadership style for the situation.
Is an essential part of this theory, that it is not the "one" style of leadership, but needs to be adjusted respectively, to the situations, Environmental conditions and relations in this environment.

The success of leadership lies in recognizing the variables, which are held by the employees and their qualities as well as the relevant aspects of the situation surrounding.

The danger is, that today “Hü” and tomorrow “hott” says. The challenge is, confidence- and to be credible, the much-quoted slogan of authenticity is relevant here. We forget too often, is that trust in a leader and the leader in its employees are the key.