#213: Formation stress

Education is much more than a festzuschreibendes goal in a society, it is the most important possibility and opportunity to a stable future to ensure. And for a country, a company is about much more than just economic concerns, but also to the security and stability of a democracy.

Education should not be the elixir power of the upper classes and elites also. Children will have fun and enjoy learning, Learn values, stand apart from GDP and perfect CV.

I belong to the low percentage, who are said, that they have little chance of a higher education, than their parents. My father has a completed apprenticeship, my mother was not even the time of their lives and laborer. Remote education I would not call my parents house still. With my father we discussed politics, Economic and social issues and often or almost constantly they were violently and run.
“You're's not there yet, where I am today. You'll see already, if you're even in my age …” My mother was the equalizing valve, tried to keep calm or crying in between, that they can no longer stand the us, every Sunday the same … You have us (my brother and me) left the room, learn to, to learn self-, to be critical.
So it's true, that education begins in the family network and needs to be strengthened. But it must not lead to, that the pressure on children is so enormous, that children only allowed to work – become a decal on their dedicated parents.

As countless often required, the education system should be changed. Ein System, that even with no school days from the 19 Century shines (Tuesday after Pentecost and Easter is therefore free, because teachers had earlier in the churches organ playing and we therefore asked them a free day available), but is more than hinterfragungswürdig, particularly, where we in 21 Century arrived.

Only WHY can not change this system, because I fail in my imagination, especially if ALL (Politics, Parents, Experts, Non-experts, Teachers, Student, …) want it.

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