#216: considerable

I never would have thought, I once myself as a “Considerable” would feel, fast spiessig, I have a problem with, as some adults behave. Of course, the family saw yesterday on the super bikes from, and I mean really cool stylish in leather jacket, cool clothes and flying hair … And I know, I look really stupid with the bicycle helmet, I still a Hutgesicht (allegedly) have. But I wear a, not only because I want to be a role model to my children, needs and wants, but also, because it is simply safer. And of course I demand from my children, that they must wear a helmet, because children now not only do not have the experience of us adults on the road, but also, because they provide less, are less visible and vulnerable in traffic. And so it is stupid to go by the cool and well-dressed adults without a helmet, but to let their children go without a helmet in the middle of Vienna on the road, is stupid, arrogant and irresponsible.

In contrast, the unpacking and food or. Drink of unpaid items in the supermarket of course petty, but I do not like it anyway. Particularly, when it assumes such proportions, that will make not only eaten a Semmerl for the young, but the whole family uses the supermarket shopping for a mobile picnic.
My mom always told me, that we have to pay our first purchases, precisely because they do not belong in front of us, and finally is it true. And none of these children or parents looks after, that it is not 10 Could wait minutes. In our latitudes hunger periods are rare. Learn to wait and be patient, is probably not so wrong to learn for the next generation, particularly, It's possible that only a minor, but if I always conveys this feeling, that everything is in stock and immediately available, is the unlikely happen.

Sometimes it's the little things and sometimes not, show us, What values ​​and attitudes we ourselves have. And so I'm just really stuffy, at least a little sometimes.

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