Since the beginning of the week I'm in Derrida, Deleuze and philosophy fever. I am writing a term paper that is over … THE TOYS! Yes and it can be clever shit. Because what toy is really? When is what toys? It may change constantly, may be THE one, then what else. That what everyone just decides. If you look at children, then we see, that of the branch of combat arms (Probably the Most Popular, what is even more ancient human rooted in us.) be converted to ski Plug. Our Legomaxerln have no hands, Hair and sometimes the only head hangs at the base of the other Maxerls. Nothing seems like it is and nothing must be!
Something that we have adults anyway have already forgotten. But we unconsciously we make this quite yet to Use, by making our sports shoes at once the scapegoat of the lost game, the club no longer is, he once was. Or one thinks of the games, we play at work or in society, where we exploit clothing and other symbols of power to our Toys, to represent something, where we can ask ourselves, whether we are ever.
Thus, I deal with the stuff and try to draw parallels, the need to give us any answers, but a thought, which in turn can lead to the next.