#95: the Biter, Outliers and Hardworking

I recently got asked the question, how to(n)/Woman is the best position to work in a team, because although teamwork is required, but is constantly being signaled to compete with his team partner. Problems can be, if the experience of the team members diverges and thus one of two says “that promotes neither the communication, the content but only the internal competition”.

Thus, the question may arise, whether the subject, Product or the job can be done by one person really loose, but to pursue other goals, give teams are clamped together, to provide the same output but with much higher resource.

What can bring the? Staff reduction through natural attrition, I either burn the Motivated, I demotivates the industrious and not sounds, promotes the biter and egotists … All just a theory, sees but is confirmed by observation and appropriate consultations quite.

Was man tun kann? Do not try to play along, but to develop his own game and his strategy, especially when there is no common. To consider, what is important to me, what the job is fun. What people in the company can not and I will trust, Search form alliances and partnerships, finally we often spend equal amounts of time at work, as with the partner.

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