Im Artikel der Huffingtonpost findet sich ein sehr nachdenklich-machender Artikel zu unserer/meiner Generation, which is unfortunate for this thesis, by the self-imposed expectations and realities of the incoming. Die Generation Y steht für Yuppies. Wobei in den 1980ern Yuppies, die Young urban Peoples, die waren, die den materialistischen Lebensstil prägten (jetzt sehr oberflächlich formuliert). In dem Artikel geht die Analystin aber weiter, in dem sie dieser Gruppe ein zusätzliches Gen Y hinzufügt. GYPSYS! – Gen Y Protagonisten, Special Yuppies, who all have one thing in common, they are to be convinced unique, more able to (also good) than any other, to play a special role in our lives.
And quite honestly, if we look at some issues today, the deal globally, try media, But also to emphasize society and politics again, how important your, my, Role in the lives of all. The global footprint – I can work out any time, which I contribute or not great just great. Social Media in Times of Crisis (Syria, Egypt, …) – There are individuals, which are stylized here to heroes, and permanently removed and with one click. Social media in everyday life, that contribute to the illusion, that anything is possible at any time to reach, Today Vienna, Rome tomorrow, tomorrow the new car, the beautiful baby … We can follow all the stories of the other live.
Happiness is defined in the article by, that it is the difference from reality minus expectations. And the generation of the 1970s to the mid 1990s lives with a tremendous personal expectations. Everything is possible, and most quickly and immediately and in the future. While our parents were planning their life plan yet to secure long-term career planning (in consciousness, that it “hard” Work is). Studies, that it met the Gen Y today (hopefully self-fulfilling) Careers is, passing by, that someone (the question is who?) recognizes, how awesome you are. An example is, as a mother is asked by her 18 year old son soon, if he can get a car for graduation. On the question of the mother, what and how he imagines that the (she is a single parent, but quite a good job), he said, drives as well as a BMW, He already wants. The BMW is a company car, their first car was a self-selling golf at 300 €, and trying to make him the clear short, he said: “Previously it was just different. It was just a question, do not get upset.”
Do we really expect too much of our lives and believe in yourself countless “offered” Options? And these opportunities are actually real or just an illusion, let us dream of the more? If this is so, and we are unhappy, What should we teach our children turn? And perhaps this is the reason why young people today speak in interviews about your future again of traditional images and Safety.
It is difficult to face the issue, because it questions the own ideas of life. I myself am often in a dilemma, I have a feeling, my day has too few hours, my week to a few days and so on and so forth.