#124: beautiful, beautiful most beautiful

Anywhere I skip this advertisement to, Cellulite away, flat stomach in 48 Hours, never comedones with this chunk in the face … In psychology, it is said to selective perception. But that would mean, I am just so (consciously or subconsciously) deal and therefore perceive it again. I have different hypotheses:

1. yes it's true somehow, every woman (I contend) deals with, how she is herself in her body. The impure skin … really this is due to the chocolate. Although I eat a seltenst, 'm not so sweet … the orange peel … the light in the dressing room is really an imposition.

2. there are also the media, constantly with the issue of health, Body, Improvements pretend Us, that we can not be happy for a long time and are. Pregnant, where is everyone at just the third biggest fear, that at birth could be something with the child. No.. 1 is the weight gain, what does that say about our society? I was totally matter, ok so maybe I look like, I ausschaue?

3. I'm a beauty junkie: I love to test and try new products. Argan oil for hair, I use long. BB Cream is so old school, have been a year for the hair, CC Creams I've organized my last year. I just like to try new things, therefore I pay of course quite different on these issues and it is less selective than active.

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