Category Archives: Children

#298: Nazgul

If my son has a fit of anger and want to shout out his anger, then it sounds like a Nazgul, a Ringwraith, from Lord of the Rings. A cry, the one going to the marrow and me always to bring in the whole house look up, whether all windows are properly closed.

Another comparison would be the slaughter of a pig and who now asks, How do I know, can be easily cleared up. Because my grandmother had a farm with all kinds of animals mother, I have slaughtering of pigs certainly witnessed, as well as her bleeding and grilling over an open fire (hours). Incidentally, in the book “100 Points in a day”, where we are told, how we can make the world a little better every day and how we can live more sustainably, I found a whole chapter to the content, that everyone should have once slaughtered a chicken. Where a chicken does not scream and generally it is quite unspectacular (I've already done a lot of points here), but I admit right, it changes the perspective on one's own food. And I'm not a vegetarian.

But coming back to scream! It's awful. And what does that have to be only for a pressure in it, that makes it the same again terrible, for me too.

#297: spirited Vienna?

Today, my daughter has reported, that it is quite clear anyway, that the grandpa is Vienna, because he is so spirited. I had to think about it longer, as the Vienna – especially my dad – can be regarded as spirited, grantig, soft, nihilistic, sarcastic, ironically, surly would be at least a few suitable adjectives, which would occur to me, but spirited?

But my princess would not be my princess, if she would not tell me. Grandpa can get upset mad and then he talks himself into a “Strudel” (aufpudeln could also be said to), is also quite loud. Has for counterarguments neither ear nor understanding. So it is not entirely wrong, you have to define the word temperament just different.
Und schlussendlich liebe ich meinen Papa, der durch seine “ich-finde-für-alles-Gegenargumente” and “ich-rede-dir-den-Sommer-schlecht” Art mich immer wieder herausgefordert hat. Es blieb mir einfach nichts anderes über, als ständig dagegen zu reden. Und somit mich zum Denken animiert hat, nichts so einfach hinzunehmen, wie es vielleicht erscheint.

Mein Papa ist wie er ist und ganz gleich, wie er von anderen betrachtet wird, ob temperamentvoll, mürrisch oder mit einem Hang zum Nihilismus. Qualtinger hat es mit dem Nihilismus schon richtig ausgedrückt: “Although I have no idea where I was going, dafür bin ich schneller dort.”

#295: perfectionism

I had begun in mid-December with an article, this however never written to an end, which in turn so do not on the topic “perfectionism” match. I believe, I'm not a perfectionist that. I have little patience for it, neither for me, for matters for perfectionism itself. Finally, we are us only own way, or the other, or a few times, the inadequate facilities and so on and so forth.

Women, the stress itself, because the other women a total package of exemplary children, caring partners and radiate in itself supposedly dormant center. Who wants to model children? Ok, Me, yes, I admit it. And the motionless center would be nice to find again, but I work at least it, that I paint all the nails evenly (just noticed, I have something to do!). All’ these images play in our heads off and produce a stress, which is not good for us, and what is not good for us, then moves on his circles.

But this also applies to men and women in the job, recognize, that perfectionism is not possible. Since I can still so often stand behind my staff and show him. Because it's someone else, of this activity then runs, other options, other resources and already the result has changed. And it is not going to be better or worse times. It's about different.

I love it anyway to improvise. I was particularly impressed when he cribs M Lighting at the 24.12 (after all shops were closed) with two interconnected AA Batery (by Tixo) brought to light, because no block battery was present. No, of course it did not look as nice, and wobble much would you also not allowed, but it worked and fulfills its function. Is not that enough?

So I'm going to definitely these two battered nail painting.

#294: bei den Hottentotten

I'm pretty lernresistent. In Front 2 I told my princess years, that it is with her 10th birthday by having organized birthday parties, so were then 14! Girl stay with us. All laid out in the living room with all the trimmings, so expect the feminine hemisphere prepubescent.

A year later I felt sorry, new school, everything new and different. New Girl, new friends and we wanted to solidify. Power indeed sense, So I suggested, that they do with their girlfriends (new and old) to go to the movies. No one Slumber Party was the great desire. But were only 5 Invited girls. Preliminary danced, then boiled and viewed a film. Everything really wonderful harmonious and nice.

Another year I'm learning not to vote and a sleepover at. In wiser (?) Foresight, that my office as “Zicke swap facility” and could serve to. Again we haggled over every person to be invited and I can each give the Council a list of names in writing (doubly manufactures and provided with stamps) to let give yourself. Because according to my request from 6 People were suddenly 9 People, because they all were and it was not so, that may or may not eh. The other had a performance (but she has thrown for your party). And again I have designed a whole room with mattresses, Distributed blankets and already recalled on several occasions, that at half 12 really should be bedtime. It was again dancing and singing, Decorated gingerbread and experimenting how many girls fit into a sleeping bag. And even if it was actually quite harmonious and not so bitchy, looking out the living room, as if the Hottentots would live there. I can also imagine, that would like to chat with so high notes – letter actually more, so that they drown themselves – and in Dauerkichermodus (quite shrill) are. Some even grunt between their laughter.

And whoever, PLEASE remind me next year because, that I actually was going to organize any more girls birthday party. For I have yet Raubritter N. the son, by the dazzling example of his sister has been excellent ideas, what he wants to do once.

#293: World President

Yesterday my son has described for the first time in more detail, what he his career aspirations “World President” understands. Self-confidence and a sense of megalomania there is definitely no shortage him. And yet see and hear more closely, it falls on a, that comes to the realization of banal truisms.

So he would his best friend M. – want and wants to be an architect – can build all the houses, incident his friend. In fact, he wants to build kindergartens and schools for children, where they can play and have fun, of course may not be missing electronic games, as bouncy castles and huge playgrounds. Each, especially children, should always, that are allowed to eat, what you want. He would suggest Kaiserschmarren, Griesskoch, Rice pudding, Pasta and fries.

He wants to invent more, Motorcycles Rubber, so there are fewer injuries. And two things were important, one hand, no one would have to flee, because it all goes well. And all robbers he forbids stealing.

Als er mir seine Visionen während der Autofahrt erzählt hatte, war mein erster Gedanke “so viel falsch, habe ich doch nicht gemacht” und der Zweite “wo biegen wir falsch ab im Leben, dass nicht einmal ein Bruchteil umgesetzt wird?”. So anders werden wir als Kinder nicht gedacht haben und auch die Elterngeneration wird ihre Wünsche und Vorstellungen gehabt haben.

Betrachtet man aber die Klimadiskussionen, Nachrichten rund um Terror und Krieg und Zukunftsprognosen, dann präsentiert sich uns ein weitaus anderes Bild. Wo verlieren wir unsere Fantasien? Ist es angebracht, dass 6jährige in der ersten Klasse ihre Schultasche auf den Tisch zur Abtrennung geben müssen, damit bei einer Ansage der Nachbar nicht abschreiben kann? Was vermitteln wir hier? Ganz abgesehen davon, dass ich Tests in der ersten Klasse sowieso hinterfragen würde. Aber es ist schon so normal, weil sonst funktionieren wir ja nicht in der Gesellschaft, wo Druck und Erfolg ein Standardprogramm darstellen.

Im Gymnasium läuft es ja nicht besser. Im Gegenteil, meine Tochter kann heute mit fast 12 Jahren fast besser mit Powerpoint Präsentationen umgehen, I. Fachlich sind die Kinder heute wirklich gut und besser, als wir damals, aber bitte nur nicht zu viel selbst und vielleicht noch kritisch denken. Und auch auf der Universität Wien wurde uns letztens bei einem Seminar angeraten, bitte keine kritischen Fragen – allgemeiner Natur – an den Vortragenden zu richten, der über Moral und robuste Ethik referieren würde.

Wir verlieren unsere Fantasien über all diese Geraden, die uns einen Weg vorgeben sollen und wollen. Manchmal fühle ich mich wie Don Quijote nur sehe ich die Windmühlen nicht. Aber wie sagte Thomas Mann so richtig: “Fantasie haben heißt nicht, sich etwas auszudenken, es heißt, sich aus den Dingen etwas zu machen.”

#290: When times caused a traffic jam …

Yesterday me a car ascended, but not only one, but actually equal to two, since a third car has pushed the average car in my, thus increases the force, which acts on a. Of course we have the same scene of the accident and backed up after my two children were in the car and complained about back pain the Princess, I have notified the Rescue.

Of course, it is unpleasant, when one evening during peak traffic times blocked the tangent and then another in the left lane. I did not choose this situation, not even the two drivers behind me, both of which were really very friendly and helpful. What would it also brought, if we had begun to argue? It was rather important, that nothing had happened coarser. Had the driver in the middle not carried his newborn in car. The questions of the rescue showed me that, that can be expected in case of accidents with other personal injury: “Is anyone unconscious? Is anyone trapped in the vehicle? Is there blood loss …”

And of course, the pain in the back and neck are not small talk, but it will pass. The doctor and radiologist in Lorenz Böhler Hospital have extremely adorable and cute talked to my princess and taken seriously they mainly. And the policeman, of my junior all’ his things stated on the belt at eye level, have helped, that this accident – if one may say so – is positive.

Therefore, it is actually even more shameful for motorists, which have needed to drive past three stationary cars on the tangent with us, to insult out of the window we wüstest. The last are not we namely three accidents Handlebar …

#288: Wenn einer feiert,

dann feiern im besten Fall alle anderen mit! Nachdem mein großer kleiner Mann jetzt 6 Jahre alt wurde, haben wir wieder eine Prater-Fussball-Picknick-Party veranstaltet. Wie schon letztes Jahr platzierten wir uns gegenüber bei der Piraterfee auf der Wiese mit unseren “Fress-Wagerln” und Picknick-decken. Dazugelernt vom letzten Jahr haben wir uns 2 Tische organisiert und 2 Fussballtore gekauft.

Ab 11 Uhr ging es los und bis 16 Uhr trotz recht feuchtem Wetter, es hat nämlich immer wieder so ein bisserl genieselt, haben wir durchgefeiert mit Fußball, Eating, Trinken und natürlich Geschenken. Am Vorabend habe ich ein Hüftsteak mit Schwarzbier und viel Zwiebeln, Kürbis und Gewürzen in den Ofen geschoben und bei 75 Grad bis am nächsten Tag 10 Uhr durchschmoren lassen. In der Früh ab 8 Uhr galt es noch ein paar Kilo Hühnerschnitzerln zu panieren, Bio Rauchschinken und Salami zu schneiden und den Kindersekt, wie Prosecco einzupacken, der schon gekühlt auf der Terrasse stand. Es war alles weg, sogar ein Großteil der Schokoladen-Nutella-Oreo Torte, die die Kinder und ich am Vortag gebacken haben.

Und damit sich das Essen auszahlte, für Kinder und Erwachsene, haben wir wirklich fleissig Fussball gespielt. Sogar wir ganz Großen haben uns reingelegt und manchmal uns mit den Stöpseln angelegt, die sowieso mehr Kondition und Können auf das Spielfeld gelegt hatten. Was als Frau interessant zu beobachten ist, ist die männliche “Ich-hau-mich-rein-und-nehm-das-ur-ernst” Eigenschaft aus einem Erwachsenen-Kind-Spiel ein Erwachsenen-Erwachsenen-Kind-(With)Spiel zu machen. Aber unsere flexible Spielweise durchkreuzte sowieso jegliche “Gewinnermentalität”, da wir mal in der einen oder dann in der anderen Mannschaft gespielt hatten.

Diese Art des Geburtstagsfeierns ermöglicht weit mehr als nur schnell mal feiern. Der Tag ist nicht vorgeplant mit festgesetzten Terminen und Aktivitäten. Es geht um Zeit, die man/er mit denen verbringt, die er um sich haben will. Es ist eine wunderbare Möglichkeit für uns Eltern und Familie mit Freunden Zeit zu verbringen und zwar viel bewusster, weil es einmal nicht um einen Selbst geht.

#287: Hiking experience

We love the Peilstein, Not only, because it has reached its destination in a short time, but also because of the subsequent food at Karner. This weekend we wanted back a bit in the forest. The goal was actually pretty clear, fast times up, cozy down again, and then the bacon over the Cardinal cuts to treat the pallet us.

Four adults and three children started going pretty motivated and because we were just so motivated, we thought, if we turn so fast times right up in the forest, then we are not only faster, but also see something different. On our way to the first pitch, the children collected any Plug and road, they could find, We had of quasi guns, Crutches, Skidding and Walking Stick just about everything here. Almost arrived above, we noticed, that it could go no further – progress a dead end in the forest with no safe way with children – In addition, we noticed, that this hill on which we found ourselves so not had in common with the Peilstein, So it was across the fields down through the woods and wait, where it would take us well. Slipping from one tree to another, this spread is not too much slack on the own pants, that the real challenge was on the way down. This path through the forest was mainly for the boys “Coolest” on this hike. Why does not surprise me that too? The clearing was then only moderately more exciting, but separated the Hafnerberg – where we were actually gone up – vom Peilstein, the rock wall, which lay before us.

Thus it was for us to find a good entrance into the forest in front of us, so that we could wander through the forest up, to find a way. We have but of course all managed super good, then on the climbing wall along up came and not only forest trails, Crossed climbing routes and meadows, but together with friends and children achieved something without resent, that we might “run” would, had made it harder for us, as required. On the contrary, so unexpectedly had our trek, so funny, relaxed and great we felt, when we were finally at the Karner, to eat. And it was the best snack plate, the best sauerkraut, the best Spareribs and Blunzen … at least for us on this day.

#286: School and so

If I'm honest, I thought, that my first weeks in school life would be filled with it, to discuss the Voreinschulung the Juniors. Since I had been confronted again and again with it in recent months, if it's good, poorly, particularly poor, catastrophic and or meaningful Little Django would voreinzuschulen. But as discussed with a sensational trust teachers, is the job of a teacher today is not only the performance promotion, but also the social support of children. And in recent days has been found, that the way, we have embarked, the right one.

And that's not really my subject with the I have to really deal, at least until now not yet, since our Junior is very happy. But the princess is struggling with difficulties, that have emerged already last year, but we have not taken seriously. A girl has a whole class under control, already alone therefore probably because if it only affects a girl, the concept of harassment is at hand. The class of our great principle is a really nice. The children are involved and yet delightfully sweet. And actually last year was my sweetheart at the beginning not affected, because a few kids beflegelten among themselves and yet it tipped. I can not even tell when, what and how or even why, but as me before 2 Weeks phoned my desperate daughter after class and said,, that they simply can not, it was clear, that I would not accept this situation as such further. Especially since we in week 4 were at the start of school.

Since I am a presence alone makes a difference of already noticeable, Is there anything more rest. Nevertheless, the light-heartedness is missing, and with the new social media are injuries always a click away.

#284: Ahhhhhhh

Heute früh war ich wirklich nicht auf der Höhe, wie man so schön sagt. Eigentlich war ich so richtig xxx drauf, wäre der passendere Ausdruck. Und dabei hat der Morgen gar nicht so schlecht angefangen, verglichen zum Gestrigen. Kinder und ich standen auf, Kind 1 frühstück in aller Ruhe (das gestrige Drama entstand durch nicht vorhandene Frühstücks-cerealien – wobei es ging nur um die eine Sorte, alle anderen waren eh da), Kind 2 will heute nicht frühstücken (wie meistens), das Ankleiden funktioniert, nachdem wieder alle Lieblingspullis, T-Shirts usw. vorhanden sind (gefühlt ist es manchmal so, als ob es nur 3 T-Shirts und 1 Hose im Kleiderkasten gäbe). Zähneputzen und Hygiene alles ganz easy cheesy, es war schon fast unheimlich. Und ich denke, dass war dann auch schon das Problem. Da Kind 1 und ich gestern zu spät gekommen sind (erstmalig), wollte ich heute zum Buchstabentag natürlich super pünktlich sein, aber Kind 1 hat mir einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht.

Zum Buchstabentag darf Kind ein Ding mitnehmen mit dem zu arbeitenden Buchstaben beinhaltend, im besten Fall – so die Anweisung – dass es in die Hand des Kindes passt. Kind nimmt eine Riesen-Kuschel SCHLANGE mit, wir sind beim A und es hat ein A in der Mitte. Aber da er auch zum Spielen mit seinen Freunden ein selbstgebautes Lego Haus mitnehmen will, brauchen wir eine SCHACHTEL (Schuhschachtel) und auch da gibt es ein A drinnen, wie er mir später erklärt. Da ich mir das Leben aber selbst gerne schwer mache, will ich ihm die Schachtel nicht erlauben, was das Ende vom schönen Anfang (auch mit A) war. Streitend und schreiend (ich hoffe bald kommt das E) verbringen wir die Zeit, die wir eigentlich schon unterwegs sein sollten. Er hat die Schachtel mit, weil ja mit A, er hat alles selbst getragen – schwerst beleidigt, wir haben uns angeschwiegen, aber er hat mich trotzdem lieb.

Alles in Allem bin ich dann gelaufen, um diesen Druck, den ich mir schlussendlich nur selbst mache, abzubauen. Und jetzt geht es mir besser, eindeutig, auch ohne A.