Category Archives: gsund and good

#350: Collateral damage

I gave it a lot of thought, what to do with my experience from a week ago. But I didn't come up with a solution that was suitable for me, therefore writing is probably the means of choice.

My father has cancer. The lungs have a few tumors and since these are currently not operable and its overall constitution is rather poor, chemotherapy is also not possible. That means he is being irradiated. This Tuesday was his last radiation for the time being, um in 3 Months using a control CT, how successful or not necessary the radiation was. Actually last week would have been the last appointment on Friday and also the conversation with the doctor, where my brother and I wanted to be. But as so often, everything comes differently and especially than you think.

I called my father on the phone a week ago on Tuesday, to hear, like it was with radiation today, if he needs anything, whether transport and collection works well. He sounded a little exhausted, and told me, that the doctor has determined, that he has water in his lungs and whether he has breathing problems. As always, he downplayed his situation and mentioned it in a subordinate clause, that he had already placed a cushion on the kitchen table, because he can't breathe properly when lying down. After I said on it, that he should call me at any time of the day or night, was clear to him, that he could solve that alone.

That was not the case and just before 9 In the evening I got a call for help with the sentence: “I do not get air!” So I called the rescue and passed on all the information, like cancer patient, Radiation, water in the lungs, urgently to the hospital in case of breathlessness, urgent!, bad condition, Lungs- and heart sick and of course address. I quickly changed my clothes – I don't think I wanted to run out in my bathrobe – ran to the car and drove like a lowered one … towards my father. I sprinted to him and drove to the 7th floor and was more than astonished, that despite good 5 Minutes of loss was there earlier. Overall, we waited for other good ones 5 Minutes when the intercom finally rang. My father swayed dangerously around the chair and I tried to calm him down.

When the medic came to meet me, I asked them, where the transportation would be, which I explained on the phone, what the situation would be. In response I got, that you have to take a look at it! Seriously?

After the respiratory rate is estimated at – for the first time it didn't show anything – 60 % lag (or below), you got a little nervous. I do not know, how many times I mentioned at that moment, that he had to go to the hospital, because he had water in his lungs and couldn't breathe. The medic could hear the water in the lungs and the findings, that I gave him, probably showed the seriousness of the situation. So they called the porter and the emergency doctor – because only that can say, that a patient heard admitted. In the meantime are already 20 Minutes passed. Quality 15 Minutes later the emergency doctor is there and before I tell her everything I felt 100 times, she stops at the door, um zu fragen, whether the patient has a fever – no he did `nt – and then looks at me and asks, whether we had a case of Covid and whether I was certain and at all and beyond. Which I can understand to a certain extent, but subjectively emotionally difficult for me, when my father has been over 30 Minutes with the ventilator can only breathe and he hurts in pain.

Since I'm probably believable, then the supply went very quickly for the first time, Venous access and syringe over syringe, ventilation only works via the device and I answer questions after questions. Just my hint, that it's arguably the smartest and most efficient (!) would be to bring my father to SMZ Ost, arrives at the people present, but not in the control center. You have a surveillance bed in KH Nord. Since there are no surveillance beds in the SMZ Ost. I will be a little uncomfortable and explain to them, that's not true, since my father was next to last year 2 Intensive care stays in the SMZ Ost were monitored. I ask please to call the doctor, because it doesn't make sense, if he should do the radiation in the SMZ Ost, why should you take him from A to B every day?, especially if the complete medical history is on site. She agrees with me and starts talking on the phone and convinces a doctor on site to take in my father.

My father is lucky, because he has my brother and me, that put pressure and are there, Ask questions and try to question. How big will the collateral damage be for the system, if we forget all of them, who are sick, become sick (and I don't mean the virus). This time we didn't even have the problem, that our father had to get her out of the station quickly, because there are enough free beds anyway (O-Ton).

I wonder, why the rescue wasn't faster than me?

I wonder, why, despite precise information on the patient's situation, no doctor, no transportation was provided?

I wonder, why a virus can have such a lasting impact on our system and all other serious illnesses (Diabetes, Krebs, Heart disease, Kidneys, ….) so be neglected.

I wonder, whether I want to know the answers honestly?

#347: Run Baby Run

At least today I thought that and full of euphoria (more or less, rather less) my running shoes strapped, to the lack of movement to compensate. And I was really motivated, had in fact bad mood, whether the learning situation, the confinement and the high calories increase. Also, I assumed a completely distorted reality, I would absolutely fit through my dog ​​and the daily movement, my condition reflects the red belt and I strengthened after a few kilometers back would.

The music in the ear and the sun on your face went there at least once through the courtyard and towards the first 100 m, I already felt the first spasm or muscle twinge in the legs. The acid in my legs again makes my running ambitions slower, but I at least had enough air to breathe and so I doggedly.

Of course, I've tried a look at my Running Watch Garmin to catch and my pulse was in a good area, had to be during the time from the perspective of only wrong. So I shook the clock – maybe a pointer in the digital world got stuck – and waited for the first kilometer. Shocked, whether the poor performance I try to increase the pace, to get it to slow again. While the legs are warm, but the welding seems to increase my breathing rate.

So I look for another song. Felt 5 Songs on I landed at the Black Eyed Peas and pump my lungs again to pump it on. And it works, I will at least 10 Second on the kilometers quickly. The motivated and I start to sing the songs.

*Memo to myself * Are you out of shape do not sing with while running.

I slow down again. At the old Danube I see many runners and I seem so sporty look, that some waving me (but perhaps they have only compassion and want to motivate me). I enjoy it, like the sun in my face appears and reach km 3 while Udo Jürgens “Again and again the sun rises”. I wonder just, if the song is to motivate me in times of COVID or running. I'm not sure.

I make a U-turn and walk again 2 Kilometers and notice, as I in 200 Meter rhythm always look at the clock again. It is not faster, which definitely is up to me. The fourth is definitely my fastest kilometers, again 10 seconds faster, What is immediately noticeable in Seitenstechen. sweet George Harrison with My Lord is here the right song and I wonder one hand, what got into me, to give this song in my Playlist and why does the shuffling exactly this song; what hidden message behind it.

After 5 Kilometers, I'm not and I definitely do not want at home continue, I will replace running with other exercises, quasi these last few kilometers to effectively use. So if someone someone Hopping, Knee in the Hoh’ leaping, saw going to the Po oppressive and with long strides and to its knees going heel, then I was.

At home I have then once selbstbemitleidet me. told a friend of my prowess, the fact that has seen as heroic. Thanks by the way for.

#325: anorexia

This weekend told me my 13 year-old daughter, that a school friend from elementary school last year in the hospital was. With 12 Years she had for a month in a hospital, because she suffers from anorexia. I know this girl, and it was always quite thin, was tall and lanky and away from far “dick” to be. At last year's summer festival the elementary school, where the former have met, Beginning to recognize, that especially the girls tried to take a step in the direction of young woman. The first make-up tests, Hair styling or extravagant fashion statements called out to the other children, look at me, I am no longer a primary school child, but so youthful cool.

But I admit, I still would not have thought remotely, so that young girls would ever develop a stomach delusion. For me it was more of an issue from 15/16 and even more ancient. Today, every third girl has been suffering from anorexia, an alarming phenomenon, I know my daughter very many girlfriends and durchzuzählen when I start here …

And I must not forget my girl. My happiness is, that they, for example, is no respecter of Klum's shows in the world, never, and not, I give the Klums this world to blame, However, the games are to slimming at any cost, like the Hunger Games, which will gain the best show. Nevertheless, it is, like the other, confronted with constant new and better nutrition concepts. Detox, veganism here, sugar Pooh, Low Carb hui, to name just some of the topics.

It is through this extreme example, we have consciously tried to talk about the slimness, and why fresh, healthy eating is important, but also how wonderful chocolate, Ice or chips are. The good thing is, that my princess and enjoys and she can not understand it, how to not want to eat. So you wrote back her friend, that although she is back home, but the food is not so easy, because it is not used to.

We as adults are far too often a negative model, by making the umpteenth diet, do not listen and maybe not take it seriously, when speaking of the perfect body. What's already perfect? And since it does not help to say, that once were the Rubens women. Today, just today and as it comes to the distance between the thighs, the flat stomach, the firm breasts and so on and so forth.

I sometimes put myself naked next to my daughter and show her, where I also not particularly like me, but that nature has decided after all in agreement with my eating habits need to do (wise of me to outsource the responsibility * grin *) up to form a tummy, to have dents in the thighs or can show hints sleeves. And I hope, that my princess loves food more, as the Slim madness.

#259: Randnotiz

Wie kann es sein, dass wenn man mit einem Rad in Richtung A fährt und der Wind einem entgegenpfeift, dass man meint man betreibe “steh-fahrradfahren”, dass es dann beim Zurückfahren nicht den erhofften Gegenwind gibt, sondern das Gleiche wie schon zuvor. Das ist einfach zum Scheissen. Punkt. Mit diesen 45 Minuten mal 2 habe ich mein wöchentliches Workout erledigt, die Frisur ruiniert und keinerlei lässiges Mobilitätsgefühl an den Tag gelegt. Zu guter Letzt hoffe ich, dass all’ die frische Luft meine Haut durchblutet und dies wie eine Zellenneuerung wirkt (abgesehen von den Abgasen der Autos).

#258: Travel story: St. Martins Therme

Ich war dieses Wochenende in der St. Martins Therme im Burgenland. I must say, dass ich erst zwei Mal (mit diesem Wochenende) in einer Therme auf Urlaub war. Das liegt wohl auch daran, dass ich eigentlich jetzt nicht so der Saunageher bin und auch nicht der Massagentyp, mir gibt das recht wenig. Das einzige was ich wohl durchgehend ausprobieren könnte, wären Beautytreatments.

ABER es war großartig! Not only, dass meine Kinder im fernen Wien (in einer Stunde ist man in Frauenkirchen) weilten und im hoteleigenen SeeSpa keine Kinder erlaubt sind, so verbrachte ich diese Tage mit einzigartigen Frauen, die so unterschiedlich sie sind, einander Raum lassen, zuhören, miteinander lachen können, aber auch für einander da sind, wenn es ans Eingemachte geht. Ich war das erste Mal dabei, aber so fühlte es sich nicht an. Wir haben mehr als einmal festgestellt, wie dankbar wir sind und sein können für das was wir haben, wer wir sind und welche Möglichkeiten wir heute haben!

Daher haben uns so Kleinigkeiten wie die Esel, die uns ab den frühen Morgenstunden mit ihrem hysterischen IAhs geweckt haben, nicht aus der Ruhe gebracht.

Beeindruckt hat uns alle vor allem das hervorragende Service in der St. Martins Therme. Gleich in welchem Bereich wir uns aufgehalten haben oder welche Fragen bzw. Wünsche wir äußerten, es wurde möglich gemacht. Und zwar weder mit übertriebener Freundlichkeit, sondern vielmehr mit einer Herzlichkeit und Selbstverständlichkeit, die man heute vielerorts vermisst. Daher kann ich einen Aufenthalt in der St. Martins Therme mehr als nur empfehlen und am besten mit Menschen, die einem gut tun, mit einem lachen, weinen … Yoga machen, Prosecco trinken, mitsingen mit dem Gitarrenspieler, kollektives Schlafen im Wellnessbereich, sich Suppen teilen …

#246: Sicily and I – the glass must be half full

… because I can not fly! After last night, they began to 1:45 felt and lasted half an hour, I thought, well then it will probably not be and have prepared myself for a return trip, but that was before the phone with our best pediatrician (on the spot), the prepared me mentally it, that I can not fly and will. Infection, Load, etc.. usf., but he gave me a few tips, I could do the, make it the pustule beside me feel better.

Inotyol for example,, I always have along, I can lubricate the pustules, so that they dry out faster. Antihistamine also so I get up and persevere with Mexalen, Parkemed or Neureflex.

Great is our WhatsApp group “Group of children”, where the former Mamas Mamas and out of the house with their experience and above all encouragement to offer support. Drive today in a erborista, yes there are specialty shops as well as pharmacies for herbs, to me a white Heilerde (Tip of S.) and globules D12 (Tip of E.) pick up, if everyone then no longer helps, I drink a Coke Zero and hope for the helicopter, who then brings us home 😉 (the fantasies could be lack of sleep).

I see the glass half full, remains me also no choice!

#204: Auf dem Rücken der Patienten

Ich war am Donnerstag das erste Mal in meinem Leben bei einer physiotherapeutischen Sitzung, und das nur weil ich wegen meinem Fuss (die Fusssohle hat mir halt wehgetan) zum Orthopäden ging, und dann neben einer Röntgenüberweisung mit Einlagen hinausging. Das Ergebnis war, dass mein Röntgen der Wirbelsäule jetzt nicht so berauschend ist, wie man sich das selbst halt so vorstellt und ich mit einer Anordnung zur Physiotherapie bei der Gebietskrankenkasse vorstellig wurde. 10 Sitzungen zu 45 Minuten und 10 Teilmassagen zu 15 Minuten so war es zumindest vorgesehen, bewilligt wurden mir 6 Sitzungen zu 30 Minutes. Und das mit wirklich unfreundlichen Worten “mehr kriegen sie ned bewilligt …” – und ich habe noch nicht mal nachgefragt.

Die Physiotherapeuten waren baff erstaunt, because i (was ich nicht wußte) eigentlich Anspruch auf 16 Sitzungen im Jahr habe, und ob ich heuer schon was verbraucht hätte?! I have taken a therapeutic performance takes until yesterday NEVER,,de,and yet I did not even get half of the approved,,de,what is common practice,,de,and then in an extraordinary lousy service quality,,de,Nevertheless, I refer the,,de,minute session,,de,because my health is my worth and have the means at my disposal,,de,What is not possible for all,,de,rather the opposite,,de,My first unit was hard,,de,because I was out before my eyes,,de,I'm doing far too little,,de,although I'm not so little,,de,but not the right thing,,de,Running and endurance sports times put on hold and instead has a hull,,de,Chest muscle training are created,,de,Frustrating it is,,de,when a small exercises,,de,Scorpio from yoga,,de,will be shown,,de, und trotzdem bekomme ich noch nicht mal die Hälfte von dem bewilligt, was Usus ist … und dann in einer ausserordentlichen miesen Servicequalität.

Trotzdem beziehe ich die 45 Minuten Sitzung, weil das meine Gesundheit mir wert ist und mir die Mittel zur Verfügung stehen. Was nicht allen möglich ist (eher das Gegenteil). Meine erste Einheit war hart, Not only, weil ich mir vor Augen geführt wurde, dass ich viel zu wenig tue (obwohl ich gar nicht so wenig mache, aber eben nicht das Richtige). Laufen und Ausdauersport ist mal auf Eis gelegt und stattdessen muss ein Rumpf, Stomach, Brustmuskeltraining erstellt werden. Frustrierend ist es, wenn einem mit kleinen Übungen (Skorpion aus dem Yoga) gezeigt wird, how far I am from body control,,de,But my therapist is brutally honest and hard,,de,he goads me already and already I am this morning located for half of my exercises on the ground and in,,de,then he will look,,de,but also my kitchen,,de,I let assemble the blender so,,de,yes I want it to work,,de,I can also use it with a handle at any time,,de,And my princess has become a part of this change,,de,and she is super brave,,de,because they at least still tried my drinks,,de,Although I have to,,de,Months anyway found,,de,what I like and what I do not like and my,,de,Today am-I-creative,,de,Try phase is long gone,,de,Virtually all drinks are with a pineapple base,,de,combined with oranges,,de. Aber da mein Therapeut schonungslos ehrlich und hart ist, stachelt er mich schon an und schon bin ich heute morgen für die Hälfte meiner Übungen am Boden gelegen und in 2 Wochen … then,dann wird er schauen …

#201: it is green still

Since January 2014 I'm in the smoothie wave and I have not stopped! I believe, that is the only food”quality”switch, I persevered in recent decades. The change has not only affected me, sondern auch meine Küche, da ich den Mixer so montieren liess (ich will ja das es funktioniert), dass ich ihn auch mit einem Handgriff jederzeit nutzen kann. Und auch meine Prinzessin ist Teil dieser Umstellung geworden, und sie ist super tapfer, weil sie meine Drinks zumindest immer probiert.

Wobei ich habe nach 8 Monaten sowieso herausgefunden, was ich mag und was ich nicht mag und meine “Heute-bin-ich-kreativ”Probierphase ist auch längst vorbei. So gut wie alle Drinks sind mit einer Ananasbasis, die kombiniert wird mit Orangen, and what we always find apples at home,,de,The green color I get by spinach,,de,Vogerlsalat,,de,Parsley or mint,,de,proliferates everywhere anyway with us,,de,Why am I so consistently but stayed with my green phase,,de,Because I realize,,de,how well do me these drinks again,,de,as a source of energy,,de,my skin is definitely better,,de,for weight management,,de,for bodily functions,,de,I say clean digestive system,,de,so I imagine channel evictions ago,,de,And when I then see a picture of Hollywood stars with green smoothie in hand in my clever women's magazines,,de,I just smile and think to myself,,de,He has,,es,I do that too.,,de. Die grüne Farbe erhalte ich durch Spinat, Vogerlsalat, Petersilie oder Minze … (die wuchert sowieso überall bei uns).

Warum ich aber so konsequent bei meiner grünen Phase geblieben bin? Weil ich merke, wie gut mir diese Drinks immer wieder tun, als Energiespender, meine Haut ist definitiv besser, zur Gewichtsregulierung, für körperlichen Funktionen (ich sage sauberes Verdauungssystem – so stelle ich mir Kanalräumungen vor). Und wenn ich dann in meinen gescheiten Frauenmagazinen wieder ein Bild von Hollywoodstars mit grünen Smoothie in der Hand sehe, lächle ich nur und denke mir “Ha, das mache ich auch.”

#172: cross-country skiing

In Handelsakademie anno last century we were a couple of times out cross-country skiing at the sports ground in Turnunterricht, that's my idea of ​​cross-country skiing was verblast long, when I discovered the cross-country skiing for me last Sunday. Until now, I had honestly rather the idea, that this is a senior, Birkenstockträger-, Langweiler Sport acted. I admit it, I was totally biased! I mean’ skiing is sparkling, snowboarding cool and then ever so loose flaky down the runway, what more could you want. The only, it was just never loose flaky for me and bubbly I do not drive too. Then always put those ski boots, I'm already waschelnass, I'm not even close to a lift.
That's why it was such an Aha experience, I shoes (Warm leather shoes, light) attracted, cross-country skis easily portable was in the hands and especially just 6 € for the card paid.
On Steyersberger Schwaig the trails are anything but flat and if one runs up, then you have to come down. Well and that was also one of the biggest challenges, as I slow down, how can I slow down, why I have prepared myself any better. My brother has made it clever, Not easy to Popsch Brakes, the most effective way and also the funniest definitely.

Of course, there was the poncho-wearing cross-country skiers, or any of the same fabric pull-stuff, which some men and women wore, they also fit perfectly to the naturally grown hair, But in between, the young athletes were equipped with Skinfit or Hollister Jackets, the seniors as well as ladies with Moncler Jackerln and give us.

But what constitutes the fascination for me, had the opportunity to enjoy nature. I could actually decode hare tracks in the snow! to enjoy a width without having too many people around. So I can only recommend it and I hope for a few more opportunities to go on the trail.