Category Archives: Generally

#89: The important issues in life

We have now discussed within a family meal when we namely Strebersdorf “When Hannes” sat around us to be united, where we ate the best so far Surschnitzel. And both my dad and I usually eat in a traditional Austrian inn a Surschnitzel with potato salad, Therefore, our opinion is well-founded and well documented by this experience. And we found, that the Surschnitzel, which we have eaten today is one of the best ever, since it was awarded gesurt, the meat is very juicy but not fat and the crispy breading. The portion consisted of 3 small medium / large chips, Thus, one is not killed by a giant schnitzel. In contrast, of course, other good and a few good restaurants were compared, where the Gasthaus Kopp would still perform well and would breading too thin for us Figlmüller, and thus the Sur-taste would be of secondary importance.
Equipped with aluminum foil we have come to pack the leftovers and were happy, now Tichy Eismarillenknödel had more to top the day, but us was the way in 10. District then too far.

#86: The same and equal …

My aunt had made it quite to the point, families in southern (Balkan) among men and male offspring still more than the female. Background of the discussion was around the heritage of a friend. Women have to do without, as it has done my mother. A change of attitude regarding equality is still not held or. very slow.

It was already “amusing”, when I realized, how to change the image of Me, after I was asked, what do I do now, when I am no longer employed in a company. The possibility of self-employment and training was rated significantly higher at once, before that I seemed to be well have been some worker bee, less provides. So my brother has been repeatedly while still a student asked, like its running studying, what he does now so, while it never was an issue for me.

I love the hospitality and joy of my maternal roots, I realize with age but, I can not do anything with this side of my roots and try to have a positive influence on my young female relatives, can enjoy the education. With my views I will in future not among the most popular relatives. But I do not want to make me feel small, than I am.

#85: Nursing case

My grandmother had a stroke two years ago. At the age of about 80 Years, she said at the time to have to burn off the field at the end of the summer still by hand. Until then, it is still day ago 6 Tomorrow got up clock and tried to order the court as much as possible alone. This Weekend, because were celebrating Orthodox Easter, I visited them again. And it is depressing to see, as a former agile woman, with nearly 80 until 4 Clock danced in the morning, now has trouble sitting up or. it is not possible without their help. There are good days and bad. On good days, she recognizes the people around them, so one was on Saturday. She was happy to see the family, has held my hand and tried their grandchildren – as well as earlier – to tease. Earlier and that is just 3 Years ago, is she crawled around on the floor with her one year old great-grandson, It is in view of this woman lying in bed, as a glance at an old picture. Good days are good for all, because one is glad, to spend time with her, the nurse has to do less, the family is less work and the collected memory is a positive, one hopes for the person. And then there are bad days, that were the next 2 Days, where my grandmother was very tired and confused. You make us all concerned, at least my grandmother, because they remain unaware of it. A body that is indeed weak, a spirit, is no longer functioning as, as he has done it once and still it is not possible for her to die. On good days, where the memory function, it is their wish, they did not tell my mother, but the body it is not yet possible to. Even these few days, I see them, make them happy and sad and it shows, that life in old age can be anything but simple. Solutions but we have still not found in our society for. My grandmother has the good fortune to be cared for at home, because when I think of her hospital stay, we mean the 21. To be arrived century, and are fortunate about the miserable conditions in our hospitals, on the Balkans is brought as members of not only the food and the sleeping robe, one has to take care of the medical treatment and having to worry about, that overnight food or drugs are not stolen again. That is why attempts were made, that a 24 Hours care is found. And the family – also in the Balkans – can not take care. So external help must be sought and funded primarily one.

#81: Football

Nothing emotionally like the look of a football game. Although I must say, I'm much calmer, when I think of the EM 2008 think, played as Austria, since changed my language in a mixture of Rohrspatz (and that's according to sweet) up to “Turkish” Mule seasoned with Viennese expressions.

I mean, I do not understand myself at such moments then himself, I'm referee, Coach and loyal viewers and all’ my knowledge of right conduct, moral authorities are suddenly blown away. But as I noted already, today I'm quiet. But I prescribe me a certain distance to these games and there was no longer a game for a long time, I've looked consciously. Even today the game Barca vs Bayern as a game. Actually, I'm more for Barca, but the rest of the family has the other, So it's me then equal, or even almost.

What am I waiting, the game, that inspires me again and I guarantee for nothing.

#80: Birthdays

Birthdays are wonderful days, they remind us, that a special person was born, or else, from the perspective of a mother, a bond has begun, which will hold up to the end of life and beyond.
Unfortunately, I'm not very good at Remember this always recurring days, even if some can not believe, Despite Birthday Excell Sheet, Facebook reminder message and a lack of brain power, I always forget birthdays of important people to me!

Mea culpa, this is not meant evil, but it happens to me sometimes. For years I used to memorize, that my mom on a 28. A birthday, I often wanted to congratulate the day before.

In Gebrustagen my loved ones, there are far too many 10,12,24,14 as I find the right combination for faster playback.

You ought to know our girls round, We have been trying to fahnden weeks or sometimes only days earlier for gifts, which can make the person happy, and thus, it rarely happens to me, little to no, I forget a birthday. So I congratulate the way first mixing (today), Daniela (soon in a few days), Jasmine (then comes) …

#78: To teach lessons

Today I had a seminar on rhetoric and argumentation and this seminar is especially student teachers to, to prepare for the lessons before students. A first paper or. a first argument was, and who are not the content of my thoughts decisive, or whether the student has prepared it good or bad content, but, that the editor has pointed out to the students after the lecture on, by ergo that the student has been included in the presentation from the beginning to the audience, he loses his speech / lecture. Something I can understand quite, anything but what I personally found objectionable, was the reply to the statement of the student “I want to teach in this way, in which I encourage my students to follow the arguments”, by referring to his years of experience, that it should indeed be, that teachers should motivate students to participate, but students are not really interested. And the more difficult the class, more difficult is the motivation and the more classic of the talk should be.

I think it's not fair, that straight away illusions and desires to be taken. The student will make his own experiences and hopefully many positives and probably much more negative, However, he should not forget, why and how he actually wrapped its way.

I have only taught adults and young adults, and each individual was different but it was common to many, that they want to learn so I could always use new methods, and then it was also desired and requires traditional and conservative to teach.

Travel story: I am going home

A week has passed. A week without children and a holiday, who was a family visit, full of good food, Visit and important people around us. But I'm also happy to be home, there not just wait for my children, but family, And my friends at home and that is always remarkably, how nice it is to come home.

So I'm sitting here at the airport, waiting for the boarding, hope it, that no one is sitting in front of or behind me, makes me almost unbearably flight. Had to forget about my food vorzureservieren – 1. you get it earlier 2. I can get lactose-free food – and will at worst only in Vienna a breakfast to take me. What makes me, I am looking forward. I look forward to a good Weckerl, Wholemeal or white bread, but no bread, that in reality is a toast!

#75: Last night a DJ saved my life

There was a time, I've bolstered my life with the job of a DJ and next to the money, it was mainly the passion for music, who made this job more than just a job.

Most of all I liked it, if I have the first disk found, which brought the guests to dance and the last songs, Despite the “Try-out match” have not borne fruit. Titanic I was always successful in small room (Sales and number of guests) as the great room. The students in the CIU clubbing with an international flavor were my first steps in the business, built the plant on a piano.

The last time I put on the birthday of a friend, and every time it itches me again and I think, now it is time again. But this is precisely the time as a theme …

#73: I'm ur great

Ich habe seit heute Administrator Rechte, bis jetzt habe ich mich meist um solche Dinge gedrückt. Aber da ich gewisse/kleine Änderungen vornehmen will und mein Haus- und Hoftechniker zur Zeit wenig bis keine Zeit hat, habe ich heute Abend ganz alleine diesen Header erstellt und mich etwas in WordPress eingelesen.

Was ich weiterhin nicht machen möchte, sind Fotos auf meine Seite stellen, obwohl ich das Feedback schon erhalten habe, dass Fotos die Seite auflockern würden, jedoch lenken sie davon ab, was mir wichtig ist, nämlich meine Texte und Gedanken. In meinem Header sollen sich jedoch Bilder-Collagen von meinen Freunden, meiner Familie und mir wiederfinden.

#72: Mate of the Easter Bunny

Easter is almost at the door or already has his foot in the door, I have not even opened properly. I do not have a Osterstrauss, -tree, -behang still catkins and let Easter Gifts.

I do not know what this upcoming Easter mood can not be, although I certainly have a theory. My theory is, since there are no signs of spring and their precursors, is my Animo to make the apartment bright with flowers or equal to minus 100. Even the sick days have done their additional, to forget about Easter.

But as an assistant to the Osterhasens one is conscripted to provide performance, So it is for me tomorrow after coming home from skiing or a color spray – so the pink / purple bike is still fast blue – and sportswear for the Princess (Skinfit) to get. The chocolate is yes, thank God through -25% hidden from Billa already neatly at home, at least something I've done.