Category Archives: Generally

#105: hairy problems

Blogs also do live by the self-awareness of their posters Releases, is a kind of soul-baring striptease especially the shortcomings. And from my own experiments I would like to report here, it comes to hair removal of the legs.

Having at our last Mädlsrunde us next to the ironing (do not worry, these self-tests are as good as non-existent) Waxing also, Epilation – So over the depilation of the legs – had spoken. I thought, I could but once again my cold wax, when I'm already failed once, Get out and try again.

Equal to the result anticipated, on paper for removing leg hair were not found, on the couch and the towel for sticky wax. I tried Meles advice, that the wax to be dried, implement. However, even though I have applied as thin as possible, this wax (even with spatula), this paper hung (whether now or later), the wax remained sticky, not dried with and without paper and peeling has indeed hurt, But not only the leg of the skin hair.

But experiments such as the use of Enthaarungscremen are only attacking my nasal membranes. And as an advertising junkie I have all Aloevera, Tried peach scents and exotic oils, for most 8 Minutes (longer you can not let up), itchy skin and maybe drop a few Beinhaarerln, it stinks the whole apartment (even lower level) of rotten eggs (so much for peaches).

But I do not give a longer effect than one / two days to achieve and I will now approaching Misha's suggestion of epilation.

#102: Good old times

I have this day held a lecture at the university with the question, earlier if everything was really better, not purely from the feeling out, but also de facto. And the example of studying. Of course you noticed changes, but I wonder, how these changes are related with my own aging.

The result is technical and infrastructural changes, we can attribute the passage of time, but is not so with personal settings, are not these also the experience, that one takes in the course of time some subject?
Or current settings are not a product of society and media, which is not exactly inundated with positive messages?

The professor has after completing my pulse Unit, which then resulted in the invitation to the students, to seize the opportunity of studying, I am spontaneous deviated from my Guide to criticize the university policy, said to the students in attendance, that these are cozies, and unfortunately there was also no real contradiction.

Today, it is definitely different from studying, better or worse, I would not say, because the students of today are no longer with the students of the same yesterday.

#101: Gut feeling

Neuroscience, Brain research – Today we want to know more than ever, how our brain works. Both the U.S. and the EU have enabled millions of dollars in research funds for brain research this year. After the DNA has been identified, the next step is to do. It is interesting, that if a woman spends money flashes of neurons in the pleasure center, however, illuminate the man there, where the toothache is, I have at least heard it in a lecture on brain research. However, just because we know, where the interests, Skills are, we do not yet understand long, why this is so, motivation which preceded, how decisions are actually like.

Namely decisions that often arise out of a gut feeling. We often speak of intuition, and this intuition speak any rationality from. Research shows, however, it clearly, that many “intuitive” Decisions are properly, thus gut decisions are entirely explained rationally. It will meet much more nerves towards the brain (up), because the brain towards belly. This means our stomach sends signals towards the brain much more, that need to process it.

Thus we should perhaps much more often listen to our gut feeling.

#100: Statstik

The 100th blog entry and since

these are 204 Days
111 Entries, es of
6 Categories are

My “Gugl”hupf Analytics will not clever up today, tja the technician I am also rather less, but in December I had already

in the 3 digit area hits on my page.
7 Heroes (and many more)

Viel positives Feedback und konstruktive critical!

Simple THANKS!

#97: Cappy-Malibu

Today I received a comment and the final set alone has made me smile so, because so many memories – especially many Beautiful – have arisen in me. Not long ago, Erika afternoon inviting me to a Malibu Orange. I have – I believe – my last drink Malibu in the late 1990s. At the time this was difficult in our popular young ladies, best sprayed with Cappy. There were Ribiselwein, sour apple and peach splashes.

The sensational, I also have a Malibu home, we girls once a retro party with all’ these beverages and the legendary Hedgehog Party, have made the Fleischlaberln and Schnitzerln. Of course, with music of the 80s and 90s. At that time, I have only tried the Ribiselwein and was actually very disappointed, picksüß and not drinkable, However, the Malibu was so, I remembered him.

Thus, there are memories and tastes, to be the rediscovered pay off and other one should be positive in his little box rear left, but without trying it, No one knows it.

#96: the benefits

I remember, I had a course in developmental psychology about love and relationship, while I remained mainly in memory, that when you are in a relationship begins to create a balance, that these relationships are not of long duration are, because there are times, where one inevitably slips into negative or positive, because circumstances do not run in a straight line. It seemed to me then as now logically, a relationship and partnership, the continuously calculated, when I, 've done for someone how and where, is exhausting and especially not appreciative.

In my own little universe I would also work to friends, often friends and family on the principle “provide” and I get back without immediate settle and offsetting more than enough. It has become my only aware of this issue again, as a mom of a friend of my son said, that they can not return the favor as quickly with a return visit, and I just thought: “Is it the same!” Or not? Also a friend of mine, whose daughter goes with my in ballet, said, now you come back to me, because we were so often lately with you anyway … I know, no one wants to remain someone owe, take advantage of someone, only take, … But I'm not assuming, because I think, that we no longer have it is necessary, exploit someone, because we are glad, that we have friends and people around us, who are there, if it is necessary to provide.

And of course I was already exploited, but these people are just that entertaining companion, because they remove themselves from friendships and their possibilities.

#94: See im drinking

In the last 2 Days we have – the Mädlsrunde and I – perceived 100 Said time, that we should never go bad, than now. It must be said, that we were in a house in Lake 7t, only women, with everyday life at home for it with Prosecco and pastries Sweden bombs in hand. The house is located in Lake in the Hungarian part of Lake Neusiedl is idyllic, only the rooms in the house are very noisy, which was less a problem for us, as for the other guests, who have heard of us in the house. For this, we are also just before half 6 been woken up by the sun, and an indefinable vocal (we take the so with humor).

Great trip this was not now, because it is a nice location, or the food has charmed us, but because a diverse group of women together and the other can be uncomplicated and unpretentious, no expectations somewhat complicated and we like to laugh a lot together, and above all listen to each other.

#93: impressed

The media spokesperson for the KAV called me and asked for my observations, to obtain appropriate feedback. Very nice and interesting according, as one would hope, but do not expect!

#92: Please wait

I have today sent a written request to the Vienna KAV and the media spokesperson Councillor Wehsely about waiting times in Wilhelminenspital. Namely, I had the dubious fortune yesterday my father before 9:30 in the vascular outpatient clinic (30b) to lead, he agreed a (!) Had appointment and after my appointment in the city, I felt 12 back again, in the naive assumption, that he had already finished, for an additional hour until shortly before 1 to wait. It does not receive any information about, how long it takes, when you could get around to it, let, that someone wants to voluntarily talk to the people present. My father is diabetic, injected insulin and should be taking to lunch a little something which is impossible to, because nobody wants to leave his place.

But what was still far degrading, was the situation of Mr K. Herr K. is severely impaired mobility, has two clubfeet, was in a wheelchair because standing and walking is inherently stressful. And so it was the highlight of my personal waiting time, I saw, as Mr. K. trying to figure out when the nurse, When he finally came off, because it has already been !7:30! the. Not that anyone would, to give him an answer. And when we arrived at 1 went, He was still sitting there and pushed the wheelchair, as well as the hours before the monotonous rhythm back and.

Even an old lady sat since 8 in der Ambulanz, as they waited for the recording, with a decrepit suitcase on her lap, desperately clinging. Where she was lucky, she was accidentally pushed out and in from the ambulance, because you did not know, whether and where they would get a bed. Finally, it was but shortly after 12 still assigned a bed. Whether you maybe wanted to save the lunch,?

I'm curious, if I get an answer, the also my 2nd Erfahrng the hospital is more than unsatisfactory. And although the Wilhelminenspital rumored has a personal proximity to our mayor.

#90: Losing weight as a new Beziehungskitt?

Is it a new trend, is observed, that women decline, to give a new status to their relationship? I think it's great, if a woman declines, consistently pursued a goal and can afford to skimp on carbs, and especially under the premise to do it for a self-. My friend G looks sensational, their program was worth it and makes it younger than their 50+ appearance. I liked most especially the statement, that both her husband keeps you young and vice versa.

And there are also examples of women, living in an unsatisfactory relationship, everyday is exhausting, the children an inevitable effort and the job situation unsatisfactory. The man likes to see other women's behind and barely has eyes for your wife, also was sonst tun, want him as a fallen again. Where it is not about him going to please, but to love yourself. Das was man tut, as you are, and of course how it feels and looks. The newfound self-consciousness is often of short duration and a first fire covers the actual problems.

But remember that both sides often quickly, because the partner it's not often about, if your wife now 10 plus or minus has on the ribs, but, that the relationship works again, as just before the children, vor den Problemen in the Company, talk to each other before the few, ago, before before …