Category Archives: Generally

#135: platt, platter, fad – a cabaret

Yesterday I was in Rudi Roubineks story about the story 90 Minutes and I have to say, the whole thing was unnecessary, although I personally am a real Geschichtsgroupie, and have even graduated from high school in history, So it was less about the frame, as to the implementation and inhaltiche Schenkelklopfer, I would not have expected from a Lord Roubinek. But maybe it was also because, that he “Wuchtl”Help of Mr. Fleischhacker took. Mr. Roubinek was nervous and never really flourished on. The punch came precisely to, that it was already noticeable. Here's a picture, Here a punch, now again Schenkelklopfer.

The first part of the program was still with political clichés around Vassilakou, Strache, Filled Spindelegger and Co, mainly we felt enough, already 100 have x belongs. The second part was trying to be thoughtful and only left me with the feeling, that is not important to me. Neither the desire to laugh, with him, or something.

#134: Mrs. Shadyeyes Lady

I've never really believed, that there really are women, the men they have never seen without makeup. But this weekend I Mrs. Shady eyes met and she has confirmed any cliché. But this silver-blue eye shadow were most fascinating about the Fake Lashes and Cleopatra black 0,5 thick eyeliner cappings. Present men and women described Mrs.. Shady Ladies Eyes like a car accident, where you just can not look away, and they also knew to report, that neither the law nor the mummy man they have ever seen without makeup. Something of which we had already heard women, but were not really sure, if there really is these women. Legends and myths of the perfect women, the makeup meet her husband in the morning and probably also turn off the lights during sex, punctually and dinner pre-tuned to bring to the table.
But maybe I'm wrong and it only shows, I'm just too lazy, to make me more beautiful with such meticulousness, skillfully drawn lines and colors, cover any skin pigment. Also, I would shy away from make-up removal, once hover across the cotton pad and I look, as the lead singer of Kiss! So I stick with my rather quick botch actions, if necessary, and since you do not need more than a good foundation, Concealer, Mascara and Bobbi Brown would say, never forget to use bone … – Red, and lip gloss or. Lipstick and the whole is in 5 Done minutes.

#132: Secrets

I told a man today, Why women love to buy shoes. And speaking of shoes, we are not talking of footwear, but of ballerinas, Chucks, Sneakers, High Heels, Stilettos, Boots, Stiefletten, … And when he heard of me, that is the reason, that it is simply the only “Garment” is, that does not change in size, which we do not 2 Need to purchase larger numbers, because it tweaks, because a Speckranderl over it depends, because it is the pear / apple / Soletti form does not fit, we need only to slip and we liked the shoe, is convenient, is beautiful, a perfect fit for the day, the wardrobe, to the T-shirt, …

He stood with his mouth open in front of me and just got a little insight into our secret.

#131: we are unhappy?

Im Artikel der Huffingtonpost findet sich ein sehr nachdenklich-machender Artikel zu unserer/meiner Generation, which is unfortunate for this thesis, by the self-imposed expectations and realities of the incoming. Die Generation Y steht für Yuppies. Wobei in den 1980ern Yuppies, die Young urban Peoples, die waren, die den materialistischen Lebensstil prägten (jetzt sehr oberflächlich formuliert). In dem Artikel geht die Analystin aber weiter, in dem sie dieser Gruppe ein zusätzliches Gen Y hinzufügt. GYPSYS! – Gen Y Protagonisten, Special Yuppies, who all have one thing in common, they are to be convinced unique, more able to (also good) than any other, to play a special role in our lives.

And quite honestly, if we look at some issues today, the deal globally, try media, But also to emphasize society and politics again, how important your, my, Role in the lives of all. The global footprint – I can work out any time, which I contribute or not great just great. Social Media in Times of Crisis (Syria, Egypt, …) – There are individuals, which are stylized here to heroes, and permanently removed and with one click. Social media in everyday life, that contribute to the illusion, that anything is possible at any time to reach, Today Vienna, Rome tomorrow, tomorrow the new car, the beautiful baby … We can follow all the stories of the other live.

Happiness is defined in the article by, that it is the difference from reality minus expectations. And the generation of the 1970s to the mid 1990s lives with a tremendous personal expectations. Everything is possible, and most quickly and immediately and in the future. While our parents were planning their life plan yet to secure long-term career planning (in consciousness, that it “hard” Work is). Studies, that it met the Gen Y today (hopefully self-fulfilling) Careers is, passing by, that someone (the question is who?) recognizes, how awesome you are. An example is, as a mother is asked by her 18 year old son soon, if he can get a car for graduation. On the question of the mother, what and how he imagines that the (she is a single parent, but quite a good job), he said, drives as well as a BMW, He already wants. The BMW is a company car, their first car was a self-selling golf at 300 €, and trying to make him the clear short, he said: “Previously it was just different. It was just a question, do not get upset.”

Do we really expect too much of our lives and believe in yourself countless “offered” Options? And these opportunities are actually real or just an illusion, let us dream of the more? If this is so, and we are unhappy, What should we teach our children turn? And perhaps this is the reason why young people today speak in interviews about your future again of traditional images and Safety.

It is difficult to face the issue, because it questions the own ideas of life. I myself am often in a dilemma, I have a feeling, my day has too few hours, my week to a few days and so on and so forth.

Psychology with a difference: Goal

I'm crazy about my metamemory, this has mainly J.T. Hard set apart, and describes it as the memory, which as “Felt something-to-know-” Memory works. Even in coaching I like to use the meta-, to problems, To consider solutions or other information. And research results, shows the “Property”, that gives us the metamemory. For knowledge tests Test results are higher, when individuals with “Do not know” have relied on the metamemory, to give as an answer randomly.

And there are also tendencies, that the metamemory certainly has his co-partner in the stomach, So I will advise more thoroughly on his belly to hear.

#130: Theory of the alpha male

Yesterday I had a very enlightening conversation with a man for relationship or behavior that no longer exist today have relationship behavior, he meant by, that everything boils down to, that women in search of an alpha male are, it needs for reproduction, then to replace it if necessary, when it offers something better. Of course, he admits, that men also make it very easy today, and by 20 Years with the 23 the year “new, better” Happiness is looking, but men have it much harder, because they have to constantly reinvent. Because women still want to have a bit more, believe, that there could be more to come.

The conviction of his, that every happy relationship after 10 Years, including children, is a lie, either because they are in the Cafe on yoga teachers (we will see of which social class spoken here) finally feels understood – However, he only quick … searches, or the man schedules the monthly brothel visit or. is delighted by the secretary. All lies and deceit for the apparent superficiality of happy marriage.

Of course, there are those marriages, Relationships and perhaps they are also more, because we deal with it in an open society with these previous taboo topics, new media and technologies pretend the variety of possible decisions, experience and also when divorces and separations, a high (42,51 %, Avg. Life 10,6 Years in 2012), yet this generalization would destroy any hope, questions and good working relationships on a pedestal shabby, where they do not belong.

#129: School choice and school choice-pressure-stress

Since it is believed, if you have had a baby already as good as the elementary school, then the elementary school is a breeze for the second. But unfortunately this is not so, because rumors of parishes, safer route to school, Area allocations as well “nosed” Dog warmers, how to make me feel uncomfortable. Because, I know, what I want for my children and me, and unfortunately, this fits together with any of the immediately surrounding schools.

The education system today offers a variety of offers and then it would be moronic to assign this to the City. But at least it is according to information from the school inspector today is not so, that my children are assigned to a parish and there must inevitably go to school. However, there are criteria, that should be considered in the application. First are siblings (quite reasonable), Place of residence, Care needs, Way to work, Concepts, … are other criteria, although I personally choosing the concepts (it will have a basic, parents when their children bilingually, stages, … want to be trained) einschätze much higher, as well as type of care (I appreciate the folded form of teaching very) or the way to work. But is as individual as the child, should also be the choice of the appropriate school. We want our children today minimally 9 Years to 13 See years in education, and they shall also have at best pleasure, because they should just put desire school in elementary school probably the first important foundation for this.

#128: the good old cassette

Today on OE1 there was a “Quasi”-Obituary of the cassette, because, although not quite “dead” is, but has as a storage medium and long music truck lost its place. Although they are still there, people, their cassettes in now 7. to 8. Dub generation and repeatedly “new” record, then fitted with a walk instead of a Walkman MP3 player through the streets of Vienna. One called it a dystopian listen to music device, the so much overcapacity poses, up to his death (and actually longer) Listen to music. His last cassette also sent from the Ferry Meidling beginning of the 2nd millennium to his eavesdroppers even recorded programs. Which reminds me, the importance of cassettes were once for me, aufnzunehmen to complete programs (Comfort Zone!), Self shot (sung, spoken, voluntary and involuntary), Music mixes for all moods …

Today we face our music lists together, with a lot of passion with the appropriate transitions, Categories and Headings. Voice recorder on cell phones and music tracking software work on a button and digitize almost anything we want. But it is to be compared with the life? How often do we really hear us today to stored files? How often, however, we have a cassette taken in hand, over and over again. It was nice already. Until the moment, where it comes, RECORDED that the event was already resumed late, one song, that loves you sooooo, was fully talked again at the end, the stupid bands have once again caught in the recorder, …