Category Archives: Generally

#145: aDVICE

Last I read a short article in a student magazine, was asked where, what now young adults their own I (as Reading /) would give to? Experience of which one would sooner be able to benefit. From the article one could remove a lot, what the writer has unfortunately failed,,de,since it primarily concerns,,de,general phrases,,de,turned,,de,It is interesting approach,,de,I my young today,,de,I,,de,recommend,,de,as it would affect my future,,de,Decisions I make today,,de,affect my morning and as a piece of advice would be to do otherwise,,de,to be different an intervention in my being tomorrow,,de,Of course I would have liked to do some things differently,,de,would have liked to avoid errors,,de,the hurt,,de,probably,,de,unnecessary,,de,Yet without all,,de,I would not be here today,,de,where I am,,de,And a piece of advice would have, I mean before,,de,or have had years yesterday necessary,,de,to act but where we decide at the moment so,,de,we just believe,,de,that it is the right thing,,de, da es sich vornehmlich um “allgemeine Floskeln” drehte. Dabei ist es interessanter Ansatz, was ich heute meinem jungen “Ich” empfehlen kann, da es sich auf meine Zukunft auswirken würde. Entscheidungen die ich heute treffe, wirken sich auf mein Morgen aus und so wäre ein Ratschlag anders zu handeln, anders zu sein ein Eingriff in mein Sein von Morgen.

Natürlich hätte ich gerne manche Dinge anders getan, hätte gerne Fehler vermieden, die wehtaten, die wahrscheinlich “unnötig” were. Und doch ohne all’ dem wäre ich heute nicht da, wo ich bin. Und einen Ratschlag hätte auch mein ich vor 3 Years, 2 Jahren oder gestern notwendig gehabt. Aber in dem Moment wo wir uns entscheiden so zu handeln, glauben wir einfach, dass es das Richtige ist.

Every piece of advice I would have given me in the past,,de,I can also give me for today and the future,,de,Betel,,vi,you simply have more to,,de,You do not always take the hard way,,de,so you think,,de,have done what,,de,accept,,de,you only,,de,have days a week available,,de,Speak out,,de,if you hurt yourself,,de,each of us has to make such a list and a conscious,,de,will not save us from errors,,de,but maybe we make fewer, other,,de,So life is,,de, kann ich mir auch für heute und die Zukunft geben.

1. Trau’ dir einfach mehr zu.
2. Du musst nicht immer den schweren Weg nehmen, damit du glaubst, was geleistet zu haben!
3. Akzeptiere, dass du nur 24 Std, 7 Tage in der Woche zur Verfügung hast.
4. Sprich aus, wenn man dich verletzt.
5. Friends, Friends, Friends …

I think, jeder von uns hat so eine Liste und ein bewusst machen, wird uns nicht vor Fehlern bewahren, aber vielleicht machen wir weniger und dafür andere. So ist das Leben.

#144: Disco-Ampel oder Lichtorgel

Gestern hat H. bemerkt, dass ich ziemlich schlagerfit bin. I admit it, dass höre ich bekannte deutsche Schlager ich mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit den Titel kenne und ein paar Textzeilen sicher mitsingen kann. Aber auch der H. war nicht so schlecht im Wiedererkennen und so kam es zu einem Austausch unserer Kindheits- und Jugenderinnerungen. Und siehe da nicht nur mein Papa hat monatlich/quartalsweise die Schlagerparade bei Donauland bestellt, anfänglich noch in Plattenform, dann kamen Kassetten dran und zu guter Letzt die CD. Und ja ich habe alle Kassetten der deutschen Schlagerparade von 1959 bis in die 198er Jahre hinein.

Ich kenne die Valente, die Frobes und auch noch Peter Weck (Lady Sunshine) die uns damals beglückt haben. Noch heute schwört mein Papa, dass ich La Paloma Blanca in der Gehschule gerockt habe.

Aber am besten fand ich es, als H. erzählte, dass am Sonntag dann die Schlagerparade gehört wurde, und aus der einen Ecke eine rote Lampe leuchtete und aus der anderen Ecke die Grüne! Und da war mir klar, dass mein Schicksal der Disco Ampel kein alleiniges war. Mein Papa hatte 2 (!) Disco-Ampeln (mit Gelb in der Mitte) und somit gibt es einige Fotos, die zwar nicht wiedergeben können, wozu ich getanzt habe, aber es war mit Sicherheit etwas zwischen Boney M, ABBA oder Luv! Und DANKE lieber H., dass du LUV kennst, ich habe mich richtig verstanden gefühlt!

#142: resources

The principle of economy says, we use a (resources) have and try a specific destination (profit maximization) to reach. For this we also know the minimum principle and maximum principle, entweder mit minimalen Einsatz ein bestimmtes Ziel zu erreichen oder mit einem bestimmten Einsatz das maximalle Ergebnis zu erzielen. An der Universität meinte die vortragende Lektorin, dass es so ist, dass Studenten oft hoffen mit “nichts” einen Schein zu ergattern. Dagegen muss man sich verwehren, because “nichts” tun hat mich noch nie zu einem Schein gebracht. Was aber sehr wohl zutrifft ist das Haushalten mit den eigenen Ressourcen, aber das betrifft nicht nur das Lernen und Absolvieren von Kursen sondern das ganze Leben. Unser Tag hat nur 24 Hours, wir müssen schlafen, essen, Hygienestandards (egal ob hoch oder nieder) einhalten. Wir haben Jobs, Aufgaben, Children, Projekte, ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten und natürlich kann ich vesuchen überall mein Maximum zu geben, aber was passiert? Irgendwann hechle ich nur noch nach und blicke vor allem nicht dorthin was ich erreicht habe, was ich tolles mache, sondern schaue zu den anderen, was die nicht alles schaffen …

Ein Einteilen von dem eigenen Einsatz ist notwendig und für mich bedeutet das eben, dass das was für mich und meine Kinder/Familie wichtig ist auch mit dem meisten Einsatz bedacht wird. Somit muss nicht jeder Kurs an der Uni gleich intensiv bearbeitet werden, aber dafür jedes Projekt/Coaching, welches ich annehme. Im Gegenzug versuche ich eben nur mehr ausgewählte Projekte zu wählen, damit eben nicht irgendwann eines auf der Strecke bleibt. Mögen andere “Wunderwuzzis” sein und alles checken und machen, ich will es nicht mehr auf diese Art und Weise sein, weil ich selbst dann überbleibe. Aber ich kann vielleicht leicht reden, weil ich mich bewußt aus diesem Hamsterrad herausgenommen habe, und es ist schwer, weil manchmal schaut der Blick aus der Ferne so aus, als ob die anderen alle viel schneller, viel weiter und “besser” are, aber beim genauen Hinschauen, tja, da sieht man dann oft etwas anderes …

#141: Guests Gift

I'll never again allowed to organize a Kerzerlparty from now! And a guest gift then there's probably not for me! For I have guests, so a presenter can drift into despair or. also have. It all has started so well,,de,because there was only one of my guests and all other late,,de,Since we had organized a Kerzerlparty four yesterday,,de,were sufficiently guests there,,de,to begin,,de,And we have also made the only reason,,de,for someone,,de,we like,,de,can get her a gift as possible free or low,,de,for the ignorant,,de,a private individual invites for presenting scented candles,,de,fragrance lamp,,da,Deko-Krims-Krams,,en,and other unnecessary things a,,de,presented by a representative with great attention to detail,,de,I do not know how many I smelled scents,,de,however, the Kerzerlabteilung is at Ikea a minority program,,de, weil erst einer meiner Gäste da war und alle anderen verspätet. Da wir gestern eine Kerzerlparty zu viert veranstaltet hatten, waren auch ausreichend Gäste da, um beginnen zu können. Und wir haben das auch nur deswegen gemacht, damit jemand, den wir mögen, ihr Gastgeschenk möglichst gratis oder günstig bekommen kann.

Für Unwissende: eine Privatperson lädt zur Präsentation von Duftkerzen, Duftlampen, Deko-Krims-Krams, und sonstigen unnötigen Dingen ein, die von einer Vertreterin mit viel Liebe zum Detail vorgestellt werden. Ich weiß nicht wieviele Düfte ich gerochen habe, dagegen ist die Kerzerlabteilung beim Ikea ein Minderheitenprogramm.

But then came my guests and onlookers, and this mixture then has the rest of the evening an improvisational cabaret compensated,,de,Best was then used as the ecological and biological Teddy by €,,de,made of high grade cotton biological materials,,de,he was presented,,de,was handed round and then in series,,de,read the label,,de,where we could learn,,de,we are now sometimes assume,,de,that this probably produced by a solar-powered boat from the only adult workers with Western real wages,,de,from Shanghai,,de,CHINA,,en,came,,de,because there is probably the first polyester trees there,,de,are biologically and ecologically farmed,,de,The rest is history and,,de,sigh,,de,I probably should not organize more such parties,,de,for the one time was so legendary,,de. Am Besten war dann als der ökologisch-biologisch Teddybär um € 49,90 aus hochwertigsten biologischen Baumwoll-Materialen (so wurde er vorgestellt) umhergereicht wurde um dann in Reihe 2 das Etikett vorzulesen, wo wir erfahren durften – wir gehen jetzt mal davon aus, dass dieser wahrscheinlich mit einem solarbetriebenen Schiff von den einzigen erwachsenen Arbeitern mit westlichen Reallöhnen hergestellt – aus Shanghai (CHINA) kam, da es dort wahrscheinlich die ersten Polyesterbäume gibt, the 100 % biologisch und ökologisch bewirtschaftet werden.

Der Rest ist Geschichte und – seufz – ich werde wohl keine solcher Partys mehr veranstalten dürfen, dafür war das eine Mal so legendär, that you could do it anyway never been better,,de,I know that,,de,was in front of tens of years at a Tupperware Party,,de,could not help me with my comments,,de,let the presenter look stupid in the cooking demonstration and have as a bonus at the then usual awards ceremony,,de,garnered praise,,de,NEVER was invited back,,de.

Psychology with a difference: Learning to learn

When I learn about learning, I'm learning a lot about theoretical approaches. Understands methods, Acknowledge research, and determine with high probability also, that some of these abstract theoretical terms also work in reality. Upon learning that psychologists speak of punishing stimuli to an adverse reaction to avoid. There is a positive punishment (1. Type) and negative punishment (2. Type).
And we've all been victims and executive body! You can not watch TV, because … You're grounded. Your phone is confiscated. You get nothing sweet today … This is all the negative punishment, because something pleasant is taken. That's even more logical!
But we actually learn from?

#140: Science – lifted

Yesterday at the gala science of Lower Austria's outstanding achievements were awarded in science and were as diverse as the subjects of winners, Thus we have heard a common tenor of the speakers and scientists. First, to invest in the education of today's children and future children and adolescents, because there comes our young people for research and innovation, and secondly ago, that science today needs translator, because the public now not even speak the language of science.

Alone on point 1 could be pages and posts to fill and it is beyond question, that the education system is revolutionizing my personal opinion and although far more developed than.

But point 2 has made me much more thoughtful, Pröll said because even, that if he does not speak the language of his constituents, then he will not be chosen. Seems that this works, one sees the term of office of Pröll. But to me it's less politicking, as to the course of make- “gray” Theory, of foreign words, used in the language of experts and scientists, but just there, and that even very clever people – from other disciplines – sometimes little, a biserl or just do not understand. I myself am currently faced with, I read that at the University in philosophy texts, I work very hard and the challenge. On one hand, in the construction of the sets as well as the contents of. And I wonder, such that’ Keep a complexity of content, Topics not also serves, Power to create.
Even with my lyrics, I often find myself, I re-write a sentence, as it is written too complicated, with too many foreign words, the creep, listen to the really, so elegantly and eloquently … and especially clever. Stupid, when you catch yourself.

Therefore, I would like to try a lot more to translate, because finally I am a worker child, grew up with a “real” Wiener to Pope, of if it had not been for the Qualtinger, the “Qualtinger” is, in a family, where we could discuss, have politicized everything but still very earthy and without Verschnörkseltes.

#139: was ganz banales

Compared to my other literary effusions but I was asked about a guide “which closet to use” to write to the university. And I have to say two things:

1. When I was studying for the first time in the late 1990s, because it was not self-evident, that toilet paper was found in the toilets. So far it had been with the budgets of the universities, Although we were able to study without fees, had full lecture halls but again no toilet paper. Today, there are toilet paper everywhere, However, what I lack are the smart feminist, Communist and sexist style flowers on the Klowänden and doors.

2. In English, we used actually as good as not, the word toilet or toilet. Is also just as a side note, but nevertheless. Good at making Brits can I still understand, that we from the Ladies room, wash room and speak. Because it just sounds right to. But the Americans? But there I could explain it to me because of its prudery, it is indecent and unpleasant … And it's not about, that we would not have it any other paraphrases in the Austrian language, all but just not very charming (the Häusl, the Sch .. häusl, das Klo, Pippibox …).

But not to digress and to answer the question as to the best / most beautiful toilets of the University, then this happens of course completely subjective. But, who participated in the lecture hall, were never very well today and there are not yet. On the main university in the best addition to the stairs and into the 1. Go Stock, There you will find very nice and clean toilets converted. In Nig is similar, the higher up the better! What does that mean again, probably better not discuss that …

#138: Schnitzl vs. Ethics

Since last semester I pursued the topic vegetarianism and vegan food and in a detail and persistence, which makes me very thoughtful. In seminars we argumentation / rhetoric and company- and business ethics we have the opportunity to give our voice content. Damn it, we are in the philosophy, the University of Vienna, Europe's second oldest university and students talk about the eating habits of modern times, instead of politics, Economy, Injustices and made by me also on Elections, the telecom process, or use the free cookies for the zwangsbeurlaubten U.S. officials.

Yesterday I was just speechless, as we in the seminar on economic- languages ​​and business ethics on the decoupling of legal / moral and ethics, and whether and to what extent it is good, that we have a freedom discretion to decide, and just as the argument for the lack of morality and the decoupled “Freedom” was talking about the animal fattening of the French, which is difficult to digest as a vegan. I fear, I this semester not “a lot” 'll Find friends and maybe I should come in the next few hours with my grandma and the old fur Schnitzelsemmel, so that we know, where the “Enemy” sitting.

#137: yet a knowledge

I think, I am every man's nightmare come true, poor housewife qualities (but I can COOKING) and then give me a room with 5 Furniture and I ask you at least 3 x year – but not always – build the furniture according to, because that does not fit, is made to fit.
Thus, you have to have strong nerves with me, because someone who can deal with change rather bad, will certainly be overwhelmed with my activities. Being on the other side helps my discontinuity my son to adjust to changes, for if he could, Monk would be only a caricature of himself. But he can not, although it will, and now he has even meant, him that the table, as he is now much better like, he has struck at the border of the couch just the head, which leads us to think, whether that's probably as useful …

#136: Housewife qualities

I tell the same, mine are wanting to end. And it do not even happert on the setting, but easy to implement. For me, things just take twice as long, because I do’ and then realize, so that does not work then probably. As the reeling of the cable to the steam cleaner, I do this handles 2 times, because I have to say, I laid the whole thing too, clumsy, have not made practicable. Or with the guarantee I walk with my socks in the only remaining wet spot on the floor, to distribute my wet footprints in the apartment, and wet feet are terribly! A crumpled shirt? Ha no problem, it basically smooth, but on the back there are at least a consistent crease, does not improve even when ironed, but spread nicely.
I also need to ask, as do the other? Because I know, that they devote their full attention to the cleaning – not as I – ,or just have a cleaning lady – just as I. Aber manchmal muss man dann ran, because it does not come every day and I have not the attitude of E., if that does not fit me, I simply wegschmeisse all. So I just got back a couple of footprints distributed in the apartment.