Category Archives: Generally

#175: Rebellion

Yesterday me my daughter phoned, to complain about the substitute teacher. This had supervisory responsibilities in their leisure time and announced aloud my daughter to the same times, that it tolerates no laughter and also must not be whispered. Than a girl in her class did not stop with her seatmate to whisper, went this with the question “Sag’ do you have any problem?” upon them and directed them answer: “No I have no problem.” the girl was placed in the corner.

My Princess has rausgekotzt their anger and their frustration within a few minutes. To my question, what they now expected me, only came silence. Well, that they do not know, But she thinks the next day to ask the class, whether they “New” like it or not and then to talk to the class teacher.

But I have said to her, that they do not have to fear for authority. No one has to stop her laughing and she should’ even think, how she would react, if we were to say that to her. How many times they have rebelled against us, so why not against a teacher? Ich will, she stands up for herself and her views, what or right. seems wrong. And if that means, that I will soon have a visit to the school in front of me, then it's supposed to be like that.

#174: The twister

So now it's done, that I find the time, to report on my experience at the hairdresser around the corner. On the Wagramerstrasse there is not only a pure Barber, but also a women's hairdresser, of the 3 Women operated. At the said afternoon not only I should get an updo, but also 4 Women, who went to a Turkish wedding. Advance they were made up of the younger employees and the hair on face (eyes, nose, Out, upper lip) fassonieren. I was fascinated, how quickly and practiced the makeup went, but when the young lady between her two hands and mouth (in a triangle) spanned a twist and quick Hin- and down movements times in the face spun around werkte, I was really impressed.

And brave as I am, I have ordered this service. And it does MUCH less painful than plucking. And it even looks good. Ok I admit it, that I do not stand on the thin version of my eyebrows, but this is a learning experience and I've also given no detailed briefing. But the important thing is, that it is not painful.
And the staff and owner are delightful and try their customers quickly and cost of service offer. Whether it concerned the old lady out of the house next door, are granted only to 17 AM had an appointment, but still starting at 16 Am sitting in the store, everything to closely monitor. Or just me an updo, the bomb-proof up in the morning hour gave.

#173: It's that time again

the Opera Ball is just around the corner and this year I'm almost as excited, as the very first time. Maybe it's because, that we just spring-like temperatures and sunshine, or else it, that 2014 So far so anlässt, that dissolve node, you so drags with it, or else it, that it is easy every year somehow different.

Started the day with my J. and a good breakfast, completely without learning. Sport and on to the hair appointment at the local hairdresser (also I have to report separately, especially from twisting and eyebrows). The kids are at grandma and grandpa, cooked and the potatoes for the Viennese potato salad, because the schnitzel is delivered. Into the missing now only in the breading and rejoice, that it starts soon. And thus will not be bland to me, entertains me the great P. on the phone, to be mentally prepared for the Opera Ball with me and it was just, that we virtually drink a glass of Prosecco each other.

#172: cross-country skiing

In Handelsakademie anno last century we were a couple of times out cross-country skiing at the sports ground in Turnunterricht, that's my idea of ​​cross-country skiing was verblast long, when I discovered the cross-country skiing for me last Sunday. Until now, I had honestly rather the idea, that this is a senior, Birkenstockträger-, Langweiler Sport acted. I admit it, I was totally biased! I mean’ skiing is sparkling, snowboarding cool and then ever so loose flaky down the runway, what more could you want. The only, it was just never loose flaky for me and bubbly I do not drive too. Then always put those ski boots, I'm already waschelnass, I'm not even close to a lift.
That's why it was such an Aha experience, I shoes (Warm leather shoes, light) attracted, cross-country skis easily portable was in the hands and especially just 6 € for the card paid.
On Steyersberger Schwaig the trails are anything but flat and if one runs up, then you have to come down. Well and that was also one of the biggest challenges, as I slow down, how can I slow down, why I have prepared myself any better. My brother has made it clever, Not easy to Popsch Brakes, the most effective way and also the funniest definitely.

Of course, there was the poncho-wearing cross-country skiers, or any of the same fabric pull-stuff, which some men and women wore, they also fit perfectly to the naturally grown hair, But in between, the young athletes were equipped with Skinfit or Hollister Jackets, the seniors as well as ladies with Moncler Jackerln and give us.

But what constitutes the fascination for me, had the opportunity to enjoy nature. I could actually decode hare tracks in the snow! to enjoy a width without having too many people around. So I can only recommend it and I hope for a few more opportunities to go on the trail.

#171: so little time for so many things to do

I admire people, to the 6 Clock can get up, then go run or do yoga. I would like to be a morning person with my evening stint, then ... because then I can just make things, I also would like to do.

But of course it is totally unrealistic and when I look at my week, then I go with open eyes into my personal dilemma. But as the saying goes, the consultant is beratungsresistent.

#170: school enrollment – the next big step

Today I have completed countless forms for high school. Data Sheets, school health records, Activities list and what still so lying around. And tomorrow the time has come, we go to the Director. a big step, the decision of the elementary school was already, because it lays the foundation for, if a child likes to go to school or just not. The choice of the school introduced me to the same challenge. I thought, that it is much easier, after I know yes, I or. want the princess from a school, while relying again heard and what is said by others, and uncertain.

I remember, I then knew at the open day in the current VS my princess I immediately felt comfortable and, that this might be a place, which also could please her. And then when she walked out into a year in the school building to the next open day, she stood in the middle of the auditorium and said,, that is the school, where I will go and will. There was no discussion.

And now it's like, after her conversation with the director, was the school among the top 2 von 3n. During orientation meeting for the English class she came out afterwards and told me again with shining eyes, here I want to go. Without wishing to look at another school or even knowing, whether they will get a place.

Even though I am unsure, I know, that us this gut feeling good about the last 4 has brought years, so why not now.

#169: welcome back in my childhood

Speaking of television, if you are ill, one has time durchzuzappen through the daily television program and the, what is there today may see, is simply an impertinence. Not even a talk show can be found in the program, instead court shows, detective shows, I-sue-you-shows etc.. usf. Ok, die Karlich, but when I saw, it to “I work in the pension” went, I knew, I so wanted to be sick and could not. And at this time there is then but also parental duties, clarify once briefly, whether the children anyway not turn their heads. Where it's been delightful, when a 4 year old is facing and asks: “Mom you really sleep?”, or “Mother, that on your lip is grauslich, may I attack it?”.

But that's not the real issue, but the abysmal television. What remains are series Yesteryear. Shannen Doherty me both “Our small farm”, As with “Beverly Hills 90210” ran across the road and when I think about it, that they actually even with “Charmed” (ok at the moment it is already dead on Kabel 1) has played, then one can speak of an unnatural accumulation. But Michael Landon me in recent days at least 2 geflimmert times in the box on the screen, next to the farm he operates even more helpful Engel. These are all childhood memories of me, only missing Bonanza for balance.

A bright spot in the whole mess is Mr. Kretschmer with his comments and the fact, that the antibiotics work well.

#168: drug heavyweights

After one week, his alien determined by the illness of the young, a sleep deficit, that from me made a zombie!, follows an illness of myself, immunization through healthy juices lasts long enough, and the mother-is-not-ill-be-allowed gene occurs successfully into force after all are healthy again.

The terrible thing is this tiredness coupled with the bad conscience. I lie in bed or on the couch and watch the chaos around around me and can not do anything. Even if I wanted to, as soon as I open my eyes only, they fall of their own accord to – gut, I was allowed to visit a wonderful business academy, to be allowed to the 10-finger blind learn Tap.

But for that I need for the text half the day, because my brain works so slowly and I probably between doze off again. So you can also spend the day, but just chaos will not spend less, not the tasks, Projekte, Work, and certainly not the bad television.

#167: Barbie is my blad

Something like that I felt today, I rummaged through the box Barbie Princess with my son. The new Barbies, Monster dolls or what they are called fit all’ the old clothes of my old dolls no longer, entweder hängen sie anorektisch an ihren Knochen herab, oder der Ausschnitt hing beim Bauchnabel (den es ja eigentlich nicht gibt). Hingegen beim neuen modernen Gewand bewegen wir uns in Richtung Size 0 und das passt meiner kurvigen schlanken Barbie nicht.
Ob sie wohl in ihrer Welt schon als Plus Size Model gilt?

#166: The old villages – until now

On Wednesday I had the pleasure to really long abstinence (For my part, I admit) my A. Dorfer with his program “until now” giving live in the city hall. The first 1 1/2 Stunden waren geprägt durch einen Streifzug durch seine bisherigen Programme etwas adaptiert und neu nuanciert. Was ist geblieben, was haben wir tatsächlich mit unserer Zeit angefangen und ist es vielleicht sogar zu spät?

Mich hat diese Neuüberarbeitung von Altbekannten nicht gestört, wußte aber auch was auf mich zukommen würde. A. Dorfer ist zwar grau geworden und durchaus etwas zynischer (seine Scheidung dürfte einen unangenehmen Beigeschmack in seinem Leben hinterlassen haben) und bitterer, aber ich mag persönlich diese Art des Kabaretts sehr.
Als besonderes Highlight kann seine “Zugabe” gesehen werden, ein 30 Minütiges Slamming auf die politische und “halbintellektuelle” Szene Österreichs. Dorfer kam schon auf die Bühne mit der Feststellung, dass es sich den meisten aufgefallen sei, dass heute die Politik nur sehr rudimentär gestreift wurde, aber worüber soll man den auch sprechen. Politik und Medien vielleicht? Oder, dass heute jeder Halbintellektuelle mit einem Standard unter dem Arm herumläuft und glaubt ein völlig freies Medium in der Hand zu haben? Die einzig wirklich freie Mitarbeiterin im ORF ist die Christa Kummer und selbst dort will man schon mitreden.
Man merkt vor allem eines, Dorfer ist wirklich frustriert, was die politische Situation (vor allem SPÖ) betrifft, von der ÖVP darf man eh nichts anderes erwarten. Bissig, böse und leider sehr wahr, aber man kann das alles zusammenführen mit dem Credo von uns Österreichern, da gibt es ein Ying, Yang … und Wurscht.