Category Archives: Generally

#215: The Wiesn

Yesterday I was the first time at the Vienna Oktoberfest tent and my experiences based on various circus visits and a unique trade fair in the country Linzer ago 15 Years (and should not have been impressive, otherwise I would be much more firmly in the saddle swaying).
Thus we have arrived at the swaying and Einsingen, Sing along, Not Singing the previous evening. The mood of the audience increases with alcohol consumption and in turn increases, because the popular concertina force between every other song “Ein Prosit”-Song demands and promptly respond to the tables and toasting with liter semi Krügeln wine or beer with larger vessels to. In general, the interval was initially much higher than at the end of the performance, but that was probably because, that they were not so sure of himself probably, that they bring together an appropriate group dynamics euphoria. So be it, it worked. Even the not spank outstanding intellectuals (which can be seen in the mass of the Dirndl and Lederhosen) then stood on the tables and have the “Hands to heaven” (will be happy, let us).

I know nothing, I do with the sway without appropriate motivational tips, because ultimately I know, why I'm there – to have fun. And I'd definitely. With my girlfriend J. I have a discofox (see entry before, how impressed I can be) laid, the one schlackern ears. Und ja, we needed something, because they had to learn to stop, who leads – and although I! What I noticed also a brave man leather pants, after 2 Rotations has abandoned “You losst the ned result.” …

About Ambiguity you do not need to think on such a hard.

#214: Playground Daddys

Last on the playground, I was really flashed, rundherum nur coole Papas in Baggypants, casual t-shirts, wild hairstyle Pitt and Ray-Bans on the nose. Almost pee in my pants I made but, I 2 particularly cool specimens saw her sitting on the bench, casually over the leg and beaten together chatting about the young, , mending, the Jausenbox and simply looked chic, while the junior was rolling in the mulch.
“So so hard that is not even.”
“Not stressful anyway, care of the child bisl.”
“The sun is already gorgeous today.”
“Go Lionel pass a bisl on.”

Unfortunately I missed the first quarrel, the scratch, that would like to follow, but the need to stick around, I want something sweet now, help me, not help me, come over’ finally with and listen to me …

#213: Formation stress

Education is much more than a festzuschreibendes goal in a society, it is the most important possibility and opportunity to a stable future to ensure. And for a country, a company is about much more than just economic concerns, but also to the security and stability of a democracy.

Education should not be the elixir power of the upper classes and elites also. Children will have fun and enjoy learning, Learn values, stand apart from GDP and perfect CV.

I belong to the low percentage, who are said, that they have little chance of a higher education, than their parents. My father has a completed apprenticeship, my mother was not even the time of their lives and laborer. Remote education I would not call my parents house still. With my father we discussed politics, Economic and social issues and often or almost constantly they were violently and run.
“You're's not there yet, where I am today. You'll see already, if you're even in my age …” My mother was the equalizing valve, tried to keep calm or crying in between, that they can no longer stand the us, every Sunday the same … You have us (my brother and me) left the room, learn to, to learn self-, to be critical.
So it's true, that education begins in the family network and needs to be strengthened. But it must not lead to, that the pressure on children is so enormous, that children only allowed to work – become a decal on their dedicated parents.

As countless often required, the education system should be changed. Ein System, that even with no school days from the 19 Century shines (Tuesday after Pentecost and Easter is therefore free, because teachers had earlier in the churches organ playing and we therefore asked them a free day available), but is more than hinterfragungswürdig, particularly, where we in 21 Century arrived.

Only WHY can not change this system, because I fail in my imagination, especially if ALL (Politics, Parents, Experts, Non-experts, Teachers, Student, …) want it.

#212: Make ethics liveable

At the moment I am working intensively with ethics, be it with business ethics, Leadership styles and the good life, from which movements, wie Degrowth, have developed. I read a lot, trying to make connections between philosophers of the past and present. And then I watch the news on … Refugee discussions, THE Miliz, Refugee dramas, Air strikes and parliamentary discussions on the refugee situation. In between, there is perhaps even Ebola, Wirtschaftspgrognosen, IPOs and Climate Summit.

What has actually changed to the wars of the past? Only the means and opportunities? Really want to so few to change the world to a better life, that it takes place behind closed doors?

The fantasies, the philosophers as M. Walnut, pursue, are fascinating. Full of hope for the, what stuck in people for opportunities, equal to Aristotle, is referenced to the. Yet, when I turn on the news, then so many doubts come up in me, what is feasible, whether it is possible to live, and and and.

#209: Discofox

There are still the good old disco fox. I could not believe it, when I left this Saturday in Vienna and in the bat not only swaying older ladies in the disco fox saw swaying back and forth, but a man with two women at the same time highly professional excelled in discofox and in an ease, that it was no matter, that the three looked so, than they would from a country nightclub (you excuse me my prejudiced thinking) have been directly without gebäumt here. As the taxi dancer from the Eden Bar can not keep up!

A Gockelfox then the bald muscleman laid, of the rib T-shirt and jeans danced so, as if he had the “Proteins” other “Hartmachern” confused, so stiff was the upper body, However, slightly leaning (as a Gockel) had the legs no option than once to the right and left to scratch.

Motivated I was then at Sempre, Sempre thrown in the last bars of my dance partner and tries to bring out old memories. A wonderful feeling. All discofox!

#208: Write g'scheit

Since the beginning of the week I'm in Derrida, Deleuze and philosophy fever. I am writing a term paper that is over … THE TOYS! Yes and it can be clever shit. Because what toy is really? When is what toys? It may change constantly, may be THE one, then what else. That what everyone just decides. If you look at children, then we see, that of the branch of combat arms (Probably the Most Popular, what is even more ancient human rooted in us.) be converted to ski Plug. Our Legomaxerln have no hands, Hair and sometimes the only head hangs at the base of the other Maxerls. Nothing seems like it is and nothing must be!

Something that we have adults anyway have already forgotten. But we unconsciously we make this quite yet to Use, by making our sports shoes at once the scapegoat of the lost game, the club no longer is, he once was. Or one thinks of the games, we play at work or in society, where we exploit clothing and other symbols of power to our Toys, to represent something, where we can ask ourselves, whether we are ever.

Thus, I deal with the stuff and try to draw parallels, the need to give us any answers, but a thought, which in turn can lead to the next.

#207: the mix is

This weekend was on Karlsplatz, the street artist festival and at Heldenplatz Thanksgiving, on Sunday we have moved between these two worlds. While at Karlsplatz interpreted a Kärtnerbua folk songs in the most beautiful reggae style, played on the annular brass bands and there were flowers, Distributed wine and vegetables. The worlds could not be more between Dirndl and dreadlocks and yet both are essential for us.

Who tells us, that this is a better than the other? Traditional cultural property against traditional cultural, translated only in its respective language. I found it at both places great, because it still only accounts for the mixture and gives us the possibility of both worlds get the best for us.

ADDENDUM: now I have just the article in the standard of Fr. Read White Mountain and wonder, if you read the so-, if I have to be ashamed, I think this Thanksgiving good. Na gut, I was not there on Saturday or Friday, 've heard no political speeches, come across no blessings and I am also not a pack Pray. The distribution of air balloons from the ÖVP car was made in the early afternoon, since the gas bottles were for filling all used up – I've noticed, because many children were unhappy before older lady. Of course, the eating and drinking is always best. But at Karlsplatz was no different, only there it was just the brewery Ottakringerstraße with mobile splash- and beer Cart. The harvest festival is many producers the opportunity to get directly to the consumer, whatever it reprehensible, hat mir Fr. Weiss Steiner can not convey. I do not have to write objectively, is because, that I may declare my personal opinion here, but that should be a professional journalist in the first hours of their studies to learn especially when you're writing for a supposedly quality newspaper.

Psychology with a difference: rules

What are the rules,,de,Determine behavioral guidelines for specific environments,,de,Lower part they are in explicit rules,,de,who does not know all the signs prohibiting,,de,which regulate our lives,,de,or implicitly,,de,by learning from transactions dealing with our environment,,de,are in the disco next to the speaker,,de,But also towards other people and derogatory bösartigst under grip,,de,Then you just do not do that,,de,We all times blaspheme or persuade,,de,what we would do differently in person,,de,this is a human affair,,de,which will help us,,de,to feel better,,de,revalue,,de,Just be aware,,de,that it does not become a downward spiral,,de,which is only more hurtful,,de,How far can you go,,de,That give us implicit rules not before,,de,Deleuze's thought,,de? Sie bestimmen Verhaltensrichtlinien für bestimmte Umgebungen. Unterteil werden sie in explizite Regeln – wer kennt sie nicht die ganzen Verbotsschilder, die unser Leben reglementieren. Oder implizit, indem wir durch Transaktionen lernen mit unserer Umgebung umzugehen – in der Disco neben dem Lautsprecher stehen …

Aber auch gegenüber anderen Menschen abfällig und bösartigst untergriffig zu werden. Dann tut man das einfach nicht. Das wir alle mal lästern oder bereden, was wir persönlich anders machen würden, das ist eine menschliche Angelegenheit, die uns helfen soll, uns besser zu fühlen (Aufwerten). Man muss nur aufpassen, dass es nicht zu einer Abwärtsspirale wird, die nur mehr verletzend ist. Wie weit darf man gehen? Das geben uns implizite Regeln nicht vor.

#205: Will you be my girlfriend?

Eine der schönsten und bewegendsten Reden eines Trauzeugen hielt mein Bruder bei der Hochzeit seines besten Freundes Simon. Um seine Frau darauf vorzubereiten, was es heißt zu Simon zu sagen: “And, ich will!” erzählte er ihr von seinem ersten Schultag mit 10 Jahren in der Mittelschule. Damals kam Simon auf ihn zu und der erste an ihn gerichtete Satz war: “Willst du mein Freund sein?” Und 19 Jahre später ist er der Trauzeuge und ist ihn nie wirklich “los” geworden.

Und heute erzählt mir meine Prinzessin überglücklich, dass sie an ihrem ersten Schultag schon eine Freundin gefunden hat. Sie sitzt nämlich neben der Valentina und die hat ihre Stifte vergessen, also half sie ihr aus. In der Kirche während des Schulgottesdienstes haben sie sich dann beide gleichzeitig (!) die wichtige Frage gestellt: “Will you be my girlfriend?”

Ich finde es schön, wenn das noch so ungezwungen geht. Wie würden unsere Arbeitskollegen oder Nachbarinnen schauen, wenn man so nach ein paar Sätzen fragt: “Will you be my girlfriend?” Wir vertrauen viel weniger auf uns, warten ab, because who knows, vielleicht ist die eh nicht so nett … Und Freundschaft bedeutet ja auch etwas, time, Interesse und Freude zu teilen. Es ist ein Versprechen, dass man sich gibt.

Im Falle meines Bruders eines, dass schon 20 Jahre anhält.

#204: Auf dem Rücken der Patienten

Ich war am Donnerstag das erste Mal in meinem Leben bei einer physiotherapeutischen Sitzung, und das nur weil ich wegen meinem Fuss (die Fusssohle hat mir halt wehgetan) zum Orthopäden ging, und dann neben einer Röntgenüberweisung mit Einlagen hinausging. Das Ergebnis war, dass mein Röntgen der Wirbelsäule jetzt nicht so berauschend ist, wie man sich das selbst halt so vorstellt und ich mit einer Anordnung zur Physiotherapie bei der Gebietskrankenkasse vorstellig wurde. 10 Sitzungen zu 45 Minuten und 10 Teilmassagen zu 15 Minuten so war es zumindest vorgesehen, bewilligt wurden mir 6 Sitzungen zu 30 Minutes. Und das mit wirklich unfreundlichen Worten “mehr kriegen sie ned bewilligt …” – und ich habe noch nicht mal nachgefragt.

Die Physiotherapeuten waren baff erstaunt, because i (was ich nicht wußte) eigentlich Anspruch auf 16 Sitzungen im Jahr habe, und ob ich heuer schon was verbraucht hätte?! I have taken a therapeutic performance takes until yesterday NEVER,,de,and yet I did not even get half of the approved,,de,what is common practice,,de,and then in an extraordinary lousy service quality,,de,Nevertheless, I refer the,,de,minute session,,de,because my health is my worth and have the means at my disposal,,de,What is not possible for all,,de,rather the opposite,,de,My first unit was hard,,de,because I was out before my eyes,,de,I'm doing far too little,,de,although I'm not so little,,de,but not the right thing,,de,Running and endurance sports times put on hold and instead has a hull,,de,Chest muscle training are created,,de,Frustrating it is,,de,when a small exercises,,de,Scorpio from yoga,,de,will be shown,,de, und trotzdem bekomme ich noch nicht mal die Hälfte von dem bewilligt, was Usus ist … und dann in einer ausserordentlichen miesen Servicequalität.

Trotzdem beziehe ich die 45 Minuten Sitzung, weil das meine Gesundheit mir wert ist und mir die Mittel zur Verfügung stehen. Was nicht allen möglich ist (eher das Gegenteil). Meine erste Einheit war hart, Not only, weil ich mir vor Augen geführt wurde, dass ich viel zu wenig tue (obwohl ich gar nicht so wenig mache, aber eben nicht das Richtige). Laufen und Ausdauersport ist mal auf Eis gelegt und stattdessen muss ein Rumpf, Stomach, Brustmuskeltraining erstellt werden. Frustrierend ist es, wenn einem mit kleinen Übungen (Skorpion aus dem Yoga) gezeigt wird, how far I am from body control,,de,But my therapist is brutally honest and hard,,de,he goads me already and already I am this morning located for half of my exercises on the ground and in,,de,then he will look,,de,but also my kitchen,,de,I let assemble the blender so,,de,yes I want it to work,,de,I can also use it with a handle at any time,,de,And my princess has become a part of this change,,de,and she is super brave,,de,because they at least still tried my drinks,,de,Although I have to,,de,Months anyway found,,de,what I like and what I do not like and my,,de,Today am-I-creative,,de,Try phase is long gone,,de,Virtually all drinks are with a pineapple base,,de,combined with oranges,,de. Aber da mein Therapeut schonungslos ehrlich und hart ist, stachelt er mich schon an und schon bin ich heute morgen für die Hälfte meiner Übungen am Boden gelegen und in 2 Wochen … then,dann wird er schauen …