Author Archives: Tooth bending

#90: Losing weight as a new Beziehungskitt?

Is it a new trend, is observed, that women decline, to give a new status to their relationship? I think it's great, if a woman declines, consistently pursued a goal and can afford to skimp on carbs, and especially under the premise to do it for a self-. My friend G looks sensational, their program was worth it and makes it younger than their 50+ appearance. I liked most especially the statement, that both her husband keeps you young and vice versa.

And there are also examples of women, living in an unsatisfactory relationship, everyday is exhausting, the children an inevitable effort and the job situation unsatisfactory. The man likes to see other women's behind and barely has eyes for your wife, also was sonst tun, want him as a fallen again. Where it is not about him going to please, but to love yourself. Das was man tut, as you are, and of course how it feels and looks. The newfound self-consciousness is often of short duration and a first fire covers the actual problems.

But remember that both sides often quickly, because the partner it's not often about, if your wife now 10 plus or minus has on the ribs, but, that the relationship works again, as just before the children, vor den Problemen in the Company, talk to each other before the few, ago, before before …

#89: The important issues in life

We have now discussed within a family meal when we namely Strebersdorf “When Hannes” sat around us to be united, where we ate the best so far Surschnitzel. And both my dad and I usually eat in a traditional Austrian inn a Surschnitzel with potato salad, Therefore, our opinion is well-founded and well documented by this experience. And we found, that the Surschnitzel, which we have eaten today is one of the best ever, since it was awarded gesurt, the meat is very juicy but not fat and the crispy breading. The portion consisted of 3 small medium / large chips, Thus, one is not killed by a giant schnitzel. In contrast, of course, other good and a few good restaurants were compared, where the Gasthaus Kopp would still perform well and would breading too thin for us Figlmüller, and thus the Sur-taste would be of secondary importance.
Equipped with aluminum foil we have come to pack the leftovers and were happy, now Tichy Eismarillenknödel had more to top the day, but us was the way in 10. District then too far.

#87: Muttertag oder so

My mom is absolutely right, when she says, that every day should be Mother's Day. Just as well as Father's Day, pick out the one days, where does a particular person, they can live up, Blumerln brings over a few, brings only the bad conscience and the industry some.

My 3 year son has quite ashamed Added on Wednesday night has its flower pot on my table, because this is for me, This morning I had learned my song then sing even, as he squeezed my handmade card in the hand. And my daughter with 9 ask me since Wednesday, if I like eh candles and flowers, and the colors red and purple …. In between I Gezicke, To cope with tantrums and cuddles. So everything the same and some bells and whistles to, dear to me as an honest – I love you, do not like you now, hold me tight, go away,

#86: The same and equal …

My aunt had made it quite to the point, families in southern (Balkan) among men and male offspring still more than the female. Background of the discussion was around the heritage of a friend. Women have to do without, as it has done my mother. A change of attitude regarding equality is still not held or. very slow.

It was already “amusing”, when I realized, how to change the image of Me, after I was asked, what do I do now, when I am no longer employed in a company. The possibility of self-employment and training was rated significantly higher at once, before that I seemed to be well have been some worker bee, less provides. So my brother has been repeatedly while still a student asked, like its running studying, what he does now so, while it never was an issue for me.

I love the hospitality and joy of my maternal roots, I realize with age but, I can not do anything with this side of my roots and try to have a positive influence on my young female relatives, can enjoy the education. With my views I will in future not among the most popular relatives. But I do not want to make me feel small, than I am.

#85: Nursing case

My grandmother had a stroke two years ago. At the age of about 80 Years, she said at the time to have to burn off the field at the end of the summer still by hand. Until then, it is still day ago 6 Tomorrow got up clock and tried to order the court as much as possible alone. This Weekend, because were celebrating Orthodox Easter, I visited them again. And it is depressing to see, as a former agile woman, with nearly 80 until 4 Clock danced in the morning, now has trouble sitting up or. it is not possible without their help. There are good days and bad. On good days, she recognizes the people around them, so one was on Saturday. She was happy to see the family, has held my hand and tried their grandchildren – as well as earlier – to tease. Earlier and that is just 3 Years ago, is she crawled around on the floor with her one year old great-grandson, It is in view of this woman lying in bed, as a glance at an old picture. Good days are good for all, because one is glad, to spend time with her, the nurse has to do less, the family is less work and the collected memory is a positive, one hopes for the person. And then there are bad days, that were the next 2 Days, where my grandmother was very tired and confused. You make us all concerned, at least my grandmother, because they remain unaware of it. A body that is indeed weak, a spirit, is no longer functioning as, as he has done it once and still it is not possible for her to die. On good days, where the memory function, it is their wish, they did not tell my mother, but the body it is not yet possible to. Even these few days, I see them, make them happy and sad and it shows, that life in old age can be anything but simple. Solutions but we have still not found in our society for. My grandmother has the good fortune to be cared for at home, because when I think of her hospital stay, we mean the 21. To be arrived century, and are fortunate about the miserable conditions in our hospitals, on the Balkans is brought as members of not only the food and the sleeping robe, one has to take care of the medical treatment and having to worry about, that overnight food or drugs are not stolen again. That is why attempts were made, that a 24 Hours care is found. And the family – also in the Balkans – can not take care. So external help must be sought and funded primarily one.

#84: no holiday stress

Yesterday I was able to experience my own childhood dream or experience rather. My daughter had her first lunge-hour! Riding was since she 3 is an issue but between them they had the opportunity to the different sports, motion- und Interessensgebiete zu erkunden und auszuprobieren. Particularly, weil Reiten körperliche Stabilität und Entwicklung benötigt.

Ich konnte als Kind und Jugendlich auch alles ausprobieren, was mich interessiert hat. Bei mir waren es vornehmlich Instrumente und musische Kurse, wobei ich nach einem Jahr oder noch viel öfters früher nicht mehr wollte. Alleine das Singen im Chor, alone, in der Gruppe oder das Theaterspielen waren eine Konstante von Volksschule bis zur Matura. Nur Reiten das war finanziell bei meinen Eltern nicht drinnen, es ist damals wie heute ein kostenintensives Hobby. Vielleicht weil ich alles ausprobieren konnte und sehr frei in meinen Entscheidungen war, versuche ich diese Möglichkeiten meinen Kindern so weiterzugeben. Der große Unterschied ist, dass meine Tochter wesentlich zäher ist und länger bei den meisten Sachen durchhält als ich. Was aber auch dazu führt, dass ihre Woche gut befüllt ist, mit Ballett (since 6 Years), mit Fussball (since 3 Years) und abwechselnd hat sie schon gemacht bzw. macht es noch Judo, Singen, Vital Training, Voltigieren und eben jetzt Reiten. Auf die Frage einer Freundin an meine Tochter, wann sie denn dann mich sieht, wenn sie fast täglich etwas machen will, kam: “Wieso ich schlaf eh zu Hause und Wochenende gibt es auch noch …”.

I think, machne Anlagen hat sie dann doch wohl von mir :)!

#83: Awareness

Last night my daughter asked me, why should a child's voice counts less, than that of an adult, and of course I could have said, that's not true, because every child actually has as much to say as truth and we as adults and yet it is only really, because both she and her boyfriend have noticed F, that while playing together just a lot of his younger brother has struck hard and unjustified. And the question, why does he do it, came the reply: “because my parents do that too …” Both children were shaken and it is days later topic, especially what leeway you have as an adult and can do what the children themselves?

Is good, that both children have not been silent, and told the parents. Is good, that both children and the other does not have overlooked it, have equal but told the lads, that this behavior is not okay. Is good, that we are aware.

Is bad, that such things happen and we can not protect our children from. The time to speak freely and to talk about but it is an important first step.

#82: UN cultural

Today, culture is still an economic value? Grants and subsidies in times of financial- and anrollend-translucent economic crisis turned back, as a result, that art and culture are dependent on support from the business community and patron of. However, the funds of the Company will be rejected and less budget cuts are now a gladly seen and welcome argument for sponsorship.

Also laws around anti-corruption and the political drama of the committees to do the rest, that partnerships between art and business are resolved more often or only apparently extended.
What does this mean for the development and progress of cultural and artistic projects, Works and those occupational group? Who can occur for Art and Culture, if it can not policy? In America, then determine individual patron, was wann, where and how to play. Analog zu “Who pays, creates in.”, only can this be the variety, we desire?!

In Vienna there are projects, received little to no support from the City of Vienna, However, unequal valuable for districts, Grätzeln and the persons concerned are. It is the dedicated artists and freelancers, who invest their money here (see Vorgartenmarkt) and are glad, if at least one “red” ZERO comes out. But also in projects or. Initiators, have been highly successful Austrian Cultural produced and exported far beyond our borders, there is support – and not always (but of course often) there are monetary benefits, help – and here it is the money from friends, Family and the money is used the under the mattress to the realization.

#81: Football

Nothing emotionally like the look of a football game. Although I must say, I'm much calmer, when I think of the EM 2008 think, played as Austria, since changed my language in a mixture of Rohrspatz (and that's according to sweet) up to “Turkish” Mule seasoned with Viennese expressions.

I mean, I do not understand myself at such moments then himself, I'm referee, Coach and loyal viewers and all’ my knowledge of right conduct, moral authorities are suddenly blown away. But as I noted already, today I'm quiet. But I prescribe me a certain distance to these games and there was no longer a game for a long time, I've looked consciously. Even today the game Barca vs Bayern as a game. Actually, I'm more for Barca, but the rest of the family has the other, So it's me then equal, or even almost.

What am I waiting, the game, that inspires me again and I guarantee for nothing.

#80: Birthdays

Birthdays are wonderful days, they remind us, that a special person was born, or else, from the perspective of a mother, a bond has begun, which will hold up to the end of life and beyond.
Unfortunately, I'm not very good at Remember this always recurring days, even if some can not believe, Despite Birthday Excell Sheet, Facebook reminder message and a lack of brain power, I always forget birthdays of important people to me!

Mea culpa, this is not meant evil, but it happens to me sometimes. For years I used to memorize, that my mom on a 28. A birthday, I often wanted to congratulate the day before.

In Gebrustagen my loved ones, there are far too many 10,12,24,14 as I find the right combination for faster playback.

You ought to know our girls round, We have been trying to fahnden weeks or sometimes only days earlier for gifts, which can make the person happy, and thus, it rarely happens to me, little to no, I forget a birthday. So I congratulate the way first mixing (today), Daniela (soon in a few days), Jasmine (then comes) …