#354: Does it spark joy? Owning (un)necessary things

I have the item in Standard today ( https://www.derstandard.at/story/2000132723089/besitzen-wir-wirklich-10-000-dinge) read and not only, that the article immediately got me evaluating and thinking, what possession means or what number probably a “right one” would – especially in times of sustainability compared to obsolescence – a few of the comments made me smile.

One of these was about the estate and staying in the attic of memories. Each piece may or may not have a story and may just be something that man or woman shakes their head at.

2020 I first sorted and then cleared our parents' apartment with my brother and our father was a perfectionist, when it came to owning. To the “unhappiness” of descendants he has lived his perfection in things that are not valuable, for this are both my brother and I and the subsequent brood with multiple Maktias, AEGs etc tool utensils (grind, welding, drilling – multiple, …) fitted. There were also several other very useful things, for example,. 9 Bialettis in all possible sizes with 100th sealing rings, Radios (several world receivers), Battery chargers, batteries, labeling machines, Loading full printer cartridges etc etc. All labeled and packed in their own boxes.

Why he had so many printer cartridges and paper, then we found out. There was a box with lots of Bene folders, which were neatly labeled with documents, Bills and then there were rows without labels and when I opened the first folder back then, I closed it again and tried to get an overview, how many such folders it was probably here. Several folders full of erotic pictures – almost naked women, who always wanted to show off their sexual characteristics in the foreground – but nothing naughty. Because you are not alone in this experience “enjoy” wanted, I've been waiting for my brother, so that he too could have this aha experience (of course without warning). Each image was neatly printed out and placed in a high-quality, thick transparent sleeve. Our claim to separate sustainably and act ecologically was actually put to the test here for the first time.

But there was also “nutzvolle” things (depending on your point of view), such as bandages and several diabetes machines with repackaged needles , that were a hit at a men's hostel. My father also had several bottles of 750 ml Parfum Brut Brut Black, because he remembered during his hospital days, that back then (60is / 70s) the perfume very much “inn” was and it was time, after my mother died, to make yourself attractive to women. My subtle hint back then, that a full set of teeth (during his stay one lost his lower denture) might make more sense, he smashed. He mean, that I was already superficial and it was about the inner values.

My father had so many things, especially in all possible variations and mostly repackaged and not used. I thought so too at the time, I don't want to do that to my kids – well I don't have any porn pictures anyway – but in the flashback we had the chance to confront our father with him and his way of owning and caring for things (I'll have a shoe shine kit for the rest of my life). At least it helped me in retrospect, but joy never saved it.

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