N. is 7 Years old and in his diagnosis is referred to as an autism spectrum disorder with a high performance talent. Autism is in ICD-10 as a pervasive developmental disorder (TOO) described. This developmental disorder relates to the three key areas: social interaction, Communications and field of interest. After the ICD-10 and DSM-IV, these core areas are characterized by mainly qualitative impairments and stereotypical behaviors.
Since this does not of Childhood autism and Asperger's Syndrome differ valid, we took in the DSM-5, the various forms of autism in the multidimensional concept of autism spectrum disorder together. Today significantly more children and adolescents are (1 % opposite to 4 to 5 on 10.000 Children) diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. However, this is not due to an actual increase in this disorder, but due to the increased perception. So earlier fell many children through the grid, were as talented or as socially not flashy, unlike children with a disability.
It is not easy to explain, on what limits are encountered, if you have a child with autism spectrum disorder. Particularly, if it appears normal to the outside. It does not carry with it Button, where autism draufsteht, and it is thus recognizable for each and every.
Was, when their own experiences and the outside world are not compatible. If build up obstacles in front of a, which are difficult to overcome, or to cope with them outside their experience is, than the I say the rules. It has N. go.