#315: Aspie

After 3 Months writing abstinence, at least in the own blog, is finding the entrance not so easy. For weeks I wear my blog post around in me and always there is something else, What keeps me from. The most serious was clearly the flu, which caught me with fever, lung problems, Antibiotics and all background noises.

The man / woman with children always somehow in use, is next to the work and study already a challenge in itself, particularly, Should there be any more challenges in the classes of each child. But we cope, howsoever. With the diagnosis of autism spectrum syndrome we got an extension in mastering everyday since last year.

Where we had to cope with everyday life previously, can give the whole thing a name but just now. And this name demystified and creates a distance to the behavior of the Juniors. It used to be said for such children or Asperger Aspies, because autism but long gone corresponds to the classical image of Rain Mans, has become differentiated to a multiple of the bandwidth.

Difficult was and still is for me to accept, that it was not my or. lies, that he is, as it is and I can accompany him, and doing everything to, so he can, how the world works out there.

1 thought on “#315: Aspie

  1. Almi

    I have now begun to comment on this quite a few times, but somehow it has not been able. It was all too clumsy.

    Actually, I just want to say, that her wonderful parents have to be and great kids and I'm sure, can that you will deal with the challenges, by whatever terminology they come along.

    And how the world works as outdoors, tja, I ask myself often, especially in times like these. But I know what you mean. I am very sure, that he will make his way and her with him! <3


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