#295: perfectionism

I had begun in mid-December with an article, this however never written to an end, which in turn so do not on the topic “perfectionism” match. I believe, I'm not a perfectionist that. I have little patience for it, neither for me, for matters for perfectionism itself. Finally, we are us only own way, or the other, or a few times, the inadequate facilities and so on and so forth.

Women, the stress itself, because the other women a total package of exemplary children, caring partners and radiate in itself supposedly dormant center. Who wants to model children? Ok, Me, yes, I admit it. And the motionless center would be nice to find again, but I work at least it, that I paint all the nails evenly (just noticed, I have something to do!). All’ these images play in our heads off and produce a stress, which is not good for us, and what is not good for us, then moves on his circles.

But this also applies to men and women in the job, recognize, that perfectionism is not possible. Since I can still so often stand behind my staff and show him. Because it's someone else, of this activity then runs, other options, other resources and already the result has changed. And it is not going to be better or worse times. It's about different.

I love it anyway to improvise. I was particularly impressed when he cribs M Lighting at the 24.12 (after all shops were closed) with two interconnected AA Batery (by Tixo) brought to light, because no block battery was present. No, of course it did not look as nice, and wobble much would you also not allowed, but it worked and fulfills its function. Is not that enough?

So I'm going to definitely these two battered nail painting.

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