#255: Mrs. Biegenzahn drives her Ferrari-lari-fari

On Tuesday was a really beautiful sunny day, still a bit cool, which prompted me get my fire red ruby ​​Puch wheel, in order to go to university. Full of motivation and my backpack I pedaled, to 40 Minutes later at Oskar Morgenstern arrive Place. In between I was fighting the wind on the Reichsbrücke, to me to get a self-squeezed juice in Vorgartenstrasse (the best and Cheapest in Vienna). Of course, I was overtaken by sporting cyclists, but I had at least subjectively feel, that it was not as dramatic, As in previous years, where me even someone without a saddle outdated so fast times.

What I have still not learned, is to stay cool on the bike stand, hold of me at the bar of the street sign. Where it is less about the detention itself, as to the subsequent Continue. But is it enough so finally been, I have such a wonderful beautiful bike, in the richest Ferrari Red and sounding Puchklingel. Thus, if not sporty fast, stylish chic.

Fused is my bike with a curb chain (maybe I am therefore slower, because I mitschleppe this weight), can steal because I want my treasure also not really. So we look forward to the coming of spring.

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