#224: Sleep

Now I've heard an interesting contribution to sleep. If we cut him 7 Sleep hours, then we wake 28 On time! The only, If we 3 Minutes are awake, then it's not happening for us, because we no longer remember. And when we remember, we were more than 3 Waking minutes.

This means, BY SLEEP is an illusion to which I am the last 5 Years had nothing clamped. What actually is not bad, that it is not possible for me, realistically, staying asleep. My kids watch so even more often than 28 On time, which in turn explain the open eyes of the Princess, if they had sometimes seen me in my sleep (what kind of scary – much – looked) and the Jr. at least 1 x per night for more than 3 Minutes is blithely, to wake me up – Greater than 3 Minutes – so I can get him. But otherwise I fall asleep almost immediately and continues to have no real problem with falling asleep and according to the post I thus suffer from insomnia NO. What is in turn facilitating.

It shows me, that these ideas running in my head. I'm curious, if I'm going to be really early rested fitter and more tomorrow, now that I know the scientific knowledge of sleep. What I'm wondering is, however,, if I'm going to buy me an alarm clock with Aufwachlicht, because with a clever production of cortisol also want to wake up and work better Muntersein.

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