#223: Climate change and so

Lately I have been much with climate change, political ecology and climate change deals. And actually I do not know, where to start! There are still climate deniers, who wants to read more about their abstruse ideas, just go to skepticalscience.com, because certainly the glaciers have recovered, But the glaciers are not everything. The continents heat up much faster than the oceans. In Austria we will be around + 2 City, during the global level in 0,8 Grad liegt. Anomalies are also now much more noticeable than they were earlier. Heat events are not only all 5 Measured years but annually.

The aim of which is climatologists, Politics, Should some citizens and businesses would be a global warming of + 2 Degree and that this warming should remain constant and stable. Then we would have 2050 still struggling with major changes, because the coastline in Europe would shift and rainfall in the north would be much more and in the south many times less. I think, we can not imagine, what does this mean. As will change our lives. 2050 I am indeed very old, but still statistically alive, not to mention my twain.

Univ. Prof. Helga Kromp piston has pointed out in a lecture, that their generation has this climate change accompanied and contributed massively. However, it is our generation, undertakes nothing against the, as always to fight percentage points. And it is suggested to initiate a change in the younger, just here lies the paradox, we are in a seemingly hopeless dilemma. On the one hand we need to reduce (Emissions) and expand (Geo-engineering, Green, …), and yet we have the 28.8 exhausted the resources of the planet for a year (Earth Planet Day). We should theoretically ca. 1t / co2 consumption per head per year, the typical Austrian consumed 10t.

A reduction translucent economically impossible – you also think of the interview of Voest Board, warns of exodus. We bite into the non-existent tail. And our children in the middle.

We need to cooperate more interdisciplinary, to work out solutions. And I agree with Kromp-piston, the said, that it fluctuates between optimism and sheer horror scenarios.

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