#207: the mix is

This weekend was on Karlsplatz, the street artist festival and at Heldenplatz Thanksgiving, on Sunday we have moved between these two worlds. While at Karlsplatz interpreted a Kärtnerbua folk songs in the most beautiful reggae style, played on the annular brass bands and there were flowers, Distributed wine and vegetables. The worlds could not be more between Dirndl and dreadlocks and yet both are essential for us.

Who tells us, that this is a better than the other? Traditional cultural property against traditional cultural, translated only in its respective language. I found it at both places great, because it still only accounts for the mixture and gives us the possibility of both worlds get the best for us.

ADDENDUM: now I have just the article in the standard of Fr. Read White Mountain and wonder, if you read the so-, if I have to be ashamed, I think this Thanksgiving good. Na gut, I was not there on Saturday or Friday, 've heard no political speeches, come across no blessings and I am also not a pack Pray. The distribution of air balloons from the ÖVP car was made in the early afternoon, since the gas bottles were for filling all used up – I've noticed, because many children were unhappy before older lady. Of course, the eating and drinking is always best. But at Karlsplatz was no different, only there it was just the brewery Ottakringerstraße with mobile splash- and beer Cart. The harvest festival is many producers the opportunity to get directly to the consumer, whatever it reprehensible, hat mir Fr. Weiss Steiner can not convey. I do not have to write objectively, is because, that I may declare my personal opinion here, but that should be a professional journalist in the first hours of their studies to learn especially when you're writing for a supposedly quality newspaper.

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