Travel story: Beautiful Italy, Latium, Rome

I was asked several times now, as my holiday in Lazio was and I admit, that on the basis of 5 Seminar papers – ranging from ethics, Political Ecology, Emotions in politics, Game Theory to What is Philosophy – I am somewhat limited in my Schreibfreudigkeit. But since I now photos of the Apennines, dem More, Trastevere … have hergezeigt, I felt in my back that enthusiasm for this holiday in Lazio.

Ok, I love Italy and have been at least 8 Time in Rome in the last 10 Years – both with children, and without. Go to the bakery every time Forno Campo de 'Fiori on, because it simply has the best pizza Biancha, walk through Trastevere and have a feeling every time something new to discover, a new favorite restaurant, -bar and ice cream shop. Ivo, for example,, pizzeria in Trastevere is constantly crowded, both with Italians and tourists and has now times a sensational Pizza – you can not reserve. Who loves flea markets and markets in general, On Sunday around the Porta Portese, but it is exciting, when you get into the side streets at the lower end, where private providers are and can come forth the real treasures. On the Via Arenula you find an ice cream shop, that belongs to the best in Rome, there I have a “Calipo Aperol” eaten.

But the best pizza I had in Gaeta, a place by the sea 2 Hours south of Rome, which is one of the destinations of the Romans, only just, that it is more of a tip and not as crowded, wie Ostia oder Sperlonga. Behind them find the Apennines, with numerous nature reserves. I was already in Tuscany and yet I was the Lazio and the area around Gaeta particularly touched, perhaps, because it was so sparse on the one hand and had so much to offer. All the same, wo man hinkam, one had to understand the feeling, why Italy is one of the ancient cultural sites. Finally had been living the Phytagoreer in Southern Italy. We were in Italy's largest show cave, the WK in the 2nd main base of the Germans in Italy was. Lived in an old Irish monastery, that after the 2nd WW by Grace of Monaco – at least their financial resources – was constructed. And had our culinary highlight in Agroturismuo Vecchia Mandria. This is such a night, where you are simply happy just for really good food and many courses, all fresh from the kitchen, homemade bread, Meat tender and even the house wine was more than drinkable. The Pasta al Ragu was anyway a big hit with the kids, because the sauce was mixed with the right pieces of meat. The antipasti plate bent out of sheer cheese and salami and I was in heaven, as I ate the grilled eggplant.

Here also the biggest problem was in this holiday, I have as good, ate so much and often, how long gone. I just love bella Italia.

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