Travel story: Jesolo Do’s and Dont’s

Jesolo is one of Austria's suburban beaches and around the May and June holidays, the density is particularly high, which has long been not just the typical caretaker can be found on site, but also the posh part of Korneuburg. In Front 9 Years, I was the first time in Jesolo, were with us the Lord insurance broker with friends and family at the beach to yourself loudly when cheap Jakob (I think there's still the, but with towels now) a width Ling (with an emphasis on e after t and a nice lallendem l) to buy. The Korneuburger Single Mums (3 the number of children 7) again as a conscious role models for their children declared in principal Schönbrunn German, that one does not exceed € 5 supposed to pay for the junk and best very very deep attaches the price.
But the massage she could recommend her friends very, because they had been there a certain lady, she let her body. Safely carry all’ these ladies constantly disinfectant wipes with you, run to the nearest water faucet to wash their hands, after they have massaged the obese Italians on the couch opposite back and feet.

In Italy you can basically not really bad eating, but of course there are differences. One of my highlights was the Sapore di Mare in Jesolo Lido. Really good food and well off the classic al Ragu found Gnoccheti with Krabensauce with rosemary. But you have to take into account waiting times, if you go to Italian dinner times (that is,. from 8 Clock). What I definitely do not recommend is the Christina (is also coupled to a hotel, what we have seen too late). The food although ok, but overworked staff and but what was the worst, were the toilets. In this restaurant, there is an outhouse, Although the men's range, However, with the result, that the only ladies' room is also visited by men. And while you press the flush, gargles the sink (as if the water is forced up). Since only Averna helps to disinfect!

We stayed a day longer and went until Monday afternoon home. A sensational idea, if possible! First, it eliminates traffic jams, shares a beach with mostly Italians and wins a day sun. I love Italy!

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