#140: Science – lifted

Yesterday at the gala science of Lower Austria's outstanding achievements were awarded in science and were as diverse as the subjects of winners, Thus we have heard a common tenor of the speakers and scientists. First, to invest in the education of today's children and future children and adolescents, because there comes our young people for research and innovation, and secondly ago, that science today needs translator, because the public now not even speak the language of science.

Alone on point 1 could be pages and posts to fill and it is beyond question, that the education system is revolutionizing my personal opinion and although far more developed than.

But point 2 has made me much more thoughtful, Pröll said because even, that if he does not speak the language of his constituents, then he will not be chosen. Seems that this works, one sees the term of office of Pröll. But to me it's less politicking, as to the course of make- “gray” Theory, of foreign words, used in the language of experts and scientists, but just there, and that even very clever people – from other disciplines – sometimes little, a biserl or just do not understand. I myself am currently faced with, I read that at the University in philosophy texts, I work very hard and the challenge. On one hand, in the construction of the sets as well as the contents of. And I wonder, such that’ Keep a complexity of content, Topics not also serves, Power to create.
Even with my lyrics, I often find myself, I re-write a sentence, as it is written too complicated, with too many foreign words, the creep, listen to the really, so elegantly and eloquently … and especially clever. Stupid, when you catch yourself.

Therefore, I would like to try a lot more to translate, because finally I am a worker child, grew up with a “real” Wiener to Pope, of if it had not been for the Qualtinger, the “Qualtinger” is, in a family, where we could discuss, have politicized everything but still very earthy and without Verschnörkseltes.

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