#104: Voltage

Actually I wanted to write about something completely different and banal, but the situation with my son in the morning was very stressful, I needed until now, slowly reduce the tension in me. Strenuous situations in life there are always with children and sometimes you handled it with left and sometimes not. And today I had the feeling, that I could achieve anything, neither me to help him get out of the situation. While I can feel directly, as he builds up an internal tension in itself, I am busy my inner tension not to explode. So it's a loose-loose situation and this knowledge makes it for me at the moment only worse.

Of course it is so, that it is only a snapshot and I love my children, trying to do the best for both, tailored to their needs – alone and that's a task, just because everyone / every need anything else – , but it does not always hold, and frustrated the, makes them angry and sad and shows, I'm not perfect, Make mistakes, but learn from it. Or rather, try it.

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