Since this year the kindergarten my son has parent representatives, which should be the voice of the parents, the teachers and vice versa. I'm a parent representative, I was asked and unfortunately the system is not comparable to the school.
The reason why these parents' representatives was introduced, was to, that kindergartens should take no funds / donations they receive. It starts with the processing of graphene photo and ends with the children's parents-festivals, wo Buffets (However, there are additional challenges) should be organized. In between there are other issues as Kundergartenabhängig own photo CDs, Federpenale, Excursions, Acquisitions …
What we face as a parent representative, that there is no coherent and consistent information, Rights and obligations concerning the legal framework or (particular with respect to the tasting at festivals). What is the difference, that may be placed in a school at a school party cakes and pies, and the responsibility is not seemingly in the school, However, in kindergarten we face problems, that not even a purchased pie with bill and MHD may be provided, because the cold chain can not be traced?
So I'll deal with me in the summer and go to search for causes and solution implementation. Have nothing else to do ;).