#89: The important issues in life

We have now discussed within a family meal when we namely Strebersdorf “When Hannes” sat around us to be united, where we ate the best so far Surschnitzel. And both my dad and I usually eat in a traditional Austrian inn a Surschnitzel with potato salad, Therefore, our opinion is well-founded and well documented by this experience. And we found, that the Surschnitzel, which we have eaten today is one of the best ever, since it was awarded gesurt, the meat is very juicy but not fat and the crispy breading. The portion consisted of 3 small medium / large chips, Thus, one is not killed by a giant schnitzel. In contrast, of course, other good and a few good restaurants were compared, where the Gasthaus Kopp would still perform well and would breading too thin for us Figlmüller, and thus the Sur-taste would be of secondary importance.
Equipped with aluminum foil we have come to pack the leftovers and were happy, now Tichy Eismarillenknödel had more to top the day, but us was the way in 10. District then too far.

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