Monthly Archives: April 2013

#84: no holiday stress

Yesterday I was able to experience my own childhood dream or experience rather. My daughter had her first lunge-hour! Riding was since she 3 is an issue but between them they had the opportunity to the different sports, motion- und Interessensgebiete zu erkunden und auszuprobieren. Particularly, weil Reiten körperliche Stabilität und Entwicklung benötigt.

Ich konnte als Kind und Jugendlich auch alles ausprobieren, was mich interessiert hat. Bei mir waren es vornehmlich Instrumente und musische Kurse, wobei ich nach einem Jahr oder noch viel öfters früher nicht mehr wollte. Alleine das Singen im Chor, alone, in der Gruppe oder das Theaterspielen waren eine Konstante von Volksschule bis zur Matura. Nur Reiten das war finanziell bei meinen Eltern nicht drinnen, es ist damals wie heute ein kostenintensives Hobby. Vielleicht weil ich alles ausprobieren konnte und sehr frei in meinen Entscheidungen war, versuche ich diese Möglichkeiten meinen Kindern so weiterzugeben. Der große Unterschied ist, dass meine Tochter wesentlich zäher ist und länger bei den meisten Sachen durchhält als ich. Was aber auch dazu führt, dass ihre Woche gut befüllt ist, mit Ballett (since 6 Years), mit Fussball (since 3 Years) und abwechselnd hat sie schon gemacht bzw. macht es noch Judo, Singen, Vital Training, Voltigieren und eben jetzt Reiten. Auf die Frage einer Freundin an meine Tochter, wann sie denn dann mich sieht, wenn sie fast täglich etwas machen will, kam: “Wieso ich schlaf eh zu Hause und Wochenende gibt es auch noch …”.

I think, machne Anlagen hat sie dann doch wohl von mir :)!

#83: Awareness

Last night my daughter asked me, why should a child's voice counts less, than that of an adult, and of course I could have said, that's not true, because every child actually has as much to say as truth and we as adults and yet it is only really, because both she and her boyfriend have noticed F, that while playing together just a lot of his younger brother has struck hard and unjustified. And the question, why does he do it, came the reply: “because my parents do that too …” Both children were shaken and it is days later topic, especially what leeway you have as an adult and can do what the children themselves?

Is good, that both children have not been silent, and told the parents. Is good, that both children and the other does not have overlooked it, have equal but told the lads, that this behavior is not okay. Is good, that we are aware.

Is bad, that such things happen and we can not protect our children from. The time to speak freely and to talk about but it is an important first step.

#82: UN cultural

Today, culture is still an economic value? Grants and subsidies in times of financial- and anrollend-translucent economic crisis turned back, as a result, that art and culture are dependent on support from the business community and patron of. However, the funds of the Company will be rejected and less budget cuts are now a gladly seen and welcome argument for sponsorship.

Also laws around anti-corruption and the political drama of the committees to do the rest, that partnerships between art and business are resolved more often or only apparently extended.
What does this mean for the development and progress of cultural and artistic projects, Works and those occupational group? Who can occur for Art and Culture, if it can not policy? In America, then determine individual patron, was wann, where and how to play. Analog zu “Who pays, creates in.”, only can this be the variety, we desire?!

In Vienna there are projects, received little to no support from the City of Vienna, However, unequal valuable for districts, Grätzeln and the persons concerned are. It is the dedicated artists and freelancers, who invest their money here (see Vorgartenmarkt) and are glad, if at least one “red” ZERO comes out. But also in projects or. Initiators, have been highly successful Austrian Cultural produced and exported far beyond our borders, there is support – and not always (but of course often) there are monetary benefits, help – and here it is the money from friends, Family and the money is used the under the mattress to the realization.

#81: Football

Nothing emotionally like the look of a football game. Although I must say, I'm much calmer, when I think of the EM 2008 think, played as Austria, since changed my language in a mixture of Rohrspatz (and that's according to sweet) up to “Turkish” Mule seasoned with Viennese expressions.

I mean, I do not understand myself at such moments then himself, I'm referee, Coach and loyal viewers and all’ my knowledge of right conduct, moral authorities are suddenly blown away. But as I noted already, today I'm quiet. But I prescribe me a certain distance to these games and there was no longer a game for a long time, I've looked consciously. Even today the game Barca vs Bayern as a game. Actually, I'm more for Barca, but the rest of the family has the other, So it's me then equal, or even almost.

What am I waiting, the game, that inspires me again and I guarantee for nothing.

#80: Birthdays

Birthdays are wonderful days, they remind us, that a special person was born, or else, from the perspective of a mother, a bond has begun, which will hold up to the end of life and beyond.
Unfortunately, I'm not very good at Remember this always recurring days, even if some can not believe, Despite Birthday Excell Sheet, Facebook reminder message and a lack of brain power, I always forget birthdays of important people to me!

Mea culpa, this is not meant evil, but it happens to me sometimes. For years I used to memorize, that my mom on a 28. A birthday, I often wanted to congratulate the day before.

In Gebrustagen my loved ones, there are far too many 10,12,24,14 as I find the right combination for faster playback.

You ought to know our girls round, We have been trying to fahnden weeks or sometimes only days earlier for gifts, which can make the person happy, and thus, it rarely happens to me, little to no, I forget a birthday. So I congratulate the way first mixing (today), Daniela (soon in a few days), Jasmine (then comes) …

Cycle: Heroes of today

My heroes of today does not describe a person, but several mothers. Mothers, organize the diaper events and try for yourself and your children to be role models, to show, as what is right and wrong. Allowed to make mistakes and also stand by you, because who's been a perfect mother.

And und, times then we bribe the kids with gummy bears, Bubbles or ice cream! But if worst comes to worst Planet Mama, then pack them all to busy! Take child from kindergarten – no issue, pour a glass of Malibu for nerve strengthening – a lightness, Granny Clamp for designing a perfect motto afternoon – Freestyle with 10 Points … Great Women, hopefully hear that too often!

#79: Eyecatcher

Anyone who knows my children, knows, that they have their own features. As each child for his parents. Anyone who knows my son, also knows his nickname, like PamPam, Henry 8, or Little Hercules. To improve his behavior I have read some interesting literature, had exchanges with parents and professionals. I came across a few interesting and interesting approaches. But be warned,, Children grow and learn so fast, that , what was previously a challenge – on how the cocoa must be filled exactly to the millimeter and can be drunk only ingested correct posture – is no longer an issue. Disappeared, away, like it never existed before. The cocoa is now in a “cup” only half full and sitting “normal” to be drunk. And what is normal, is defined by our society and environment?

One tip I have received and which is very effective and also appears as logical, is the demand of child eye contact – active – particularly, when things do not go as, as it parent or child wants. But among the children to learn, they perceive the other person and have the possibility to recognize, who stands before one and just wanted to do what one might.

I love my 2 Features, which reflect much of a self-, that sometimes it is bad to me as much honesty.

#78: To teach lessons

Today I had a seminar on rhetoric and argumentation and this seminar is especially student teachers to, to prepare for the lessons before students. A first paper or. a first argument was, and who are not the content of my thoughts decisive, or whether the student has prepared it good or bad content, but, that the editor has pointed out to the students after the lecture on, by ergo that the student has been included in the presentation from the beginning to the audience, he loses his speech / lecture. Something I can understand quite, anything but what I personally found objectionable, was the reply to the statement of the student “I want to teach in this way, in which I encourage my students to follow the arguments”, by referring to his years of experience, that it should indeed be, that teachers should motivate students to participate, but students are not really interested. And the more difficult the class, more difficult is the motivation and the more classic of the talk should be.

I think it's not fair, that straight away illusions and desires to be taken. The student will make his own experiences and hopefully many positives and probably much more negative, However, he should not forget, why and how he actually wrapped its way.

I have only taught adults and young adults, and each individual was different but it was common to many, that they want to learn so I could always use new methods, and then it was also desired and requires traditional and conservative to teach.

#77: To point

Today, short and concise explanations, but only because it was so striking on the weekend. A 3-year does not have to play alone without adults in the yard and it is not the task of the 6-year – unrelated – and watch the 8 year old brother, because they can not do and some want. What I do! And thus it happens nunmal, that the brother goes away with his old friend and the same 3-year stands alone, lost to … And I'm glad, that even to this day nothing has happened.

Point is my opinion.

Travel story: Family Business

Actually, Police Sergeant D. Paton since the end of December 2012 Pension in aber am Montag 08. April 2013 He was in a party with around 200 Celebrated and honored people. First of all, the safety factor was equal to that day and evening enormously high, da rund 90 % The guests present were police officers. Some even in uniform and for many ladies hearts definitely worth a second look.

The Govenor of Ontario awarded him with a certificate and countless speeches and Überreichungen recorded the image of a police officer, saw of this job as a vocation. Impressive statements, so stayed in my head and:

1. He was then accompanied police officer and an unknown English band to your first appearance in Toronto. – THE BEATLES

2. to his 40 year work anniversary had to make a new badge for the first time, because there was no. Until his retirement with 48 Years of service, there are still 45 To celebrate years of service.

3. The former director of the High School in Dunnville said, that they had their best year in high school, as Dave Paton has tried this school with her and for the children to solve the problems.

4. Every single one of his partners or his platoon appreciate him as a fair coach, Partner and friend.

5. Tim Hortons – No.. 1 Meeting place for cops – Director insists, that Dave still participates in the Voluntary Day.

I went home that night and all’ the experience, the emotions are triggered in me above all, I wish, that this spirit of a task over and it does not matter whether job, Family, Friends, Children … rather is paid for by us. We thus do not save the world peace, prevent starvation, but we can make our own little world around us better.