#82: UN cultural

Today, culture is still an economic value? Grants and subsidies in times of financial- and anrollend-translucent economic crisis turned back, as a result, that art and culture are dependent on support from the business community and patron of. However, the funds of the Company will be rejected and less budget cuts are now a gladly seen and welcome argument for sponsorship.

Also laws around anti-corruption and the political drama of the committees to do the rest, that partnerships between art and business are resolved more often or only apparently extended.
What does this mean for the development and progress of cultural and artistic projects, Works and those occupational group? Who can occur for Art and Culture, if it can not policy? In America, then determine individual patron, was wann, where and how to play. Analog zu “Who pays, creates in.”, only can this be the variety, we desire?!

In Vienna there are projects, received little to no support from the City of Vienna, However, unequal valuable for districts, Grätzeln and the persons concerned are. It is the dedicated artists and freelancers, who invest their money here (see Vorgartenmarkt) and are glad, if at least one “red” ZERO comes out. But also in projects or. Initiators, have been highly successful Austrian Cultural produced and exported far beyond our borders, there is support – and not always (but of course often) there are monetary benefits, help – and here it is the money from friends, Family and the money is used the under the mattress to the realization.

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