Anyone who knows my children, knows, that they have their own features. As each child for his parents. Anyone who knows my son, also knows his nickname, like PamPam, Henry 8, or Little Hercules. To improve his behavior I have read some interesting literature, had exchanges with parents and professionals. I came across a few interesting and interesting approaches. But be warned,, Children grow and learn so fast, that , what was previously a challenge – on how the cocoa must be filled exactly to the millimeter and can be drunk only ingested correct posture – is no longer an issue. Disappeared, away, like it never existed before. The cocoa is now in a “cup” only half full and sitting “normal” to be drunk. And what is normal, is defined by our society and environment?
One tip I have received and which is very effective and also appears as logical, is the demand of child eye contact – active – particularly, when things do not go as, as it parent or child wants. But among the children to learn, they perceive the other person and have the possibility to recognize, who stands before one and just wanted to do what one might.
I love my 2 Features, which reflect much of a self-, that sometimes it is bad to me as much honesty.