Cycle: Heroes of today

2011 A lot has changed. But not just for me and not on the way, as we wish it were so. My hero has been thrown through a car accident into a new life.

Coma, ICUs, Operations from head to toe … Intensive care and helicopter transport from Krems to AKH, where at the same time he was close to George Michael to get saved the lives.

There are memories, that will accompany us throughout our lives and make us realize, what it means to start from the beginning again. Wolfgang himself says of himself, that today Peppi 3.1 sitting here and much opportunity as, questioned and would like to do differently. Peppi 1.0 is history, sometimes he does not even like, but it is his past and from which he draws his strength to reinvent itself, to re-experience.

As of this week he is traveling without crutches and, although it is of course slower and different, than any other, normal “poorly” treated by his fellow. A good feeling?!? I do not know, but I see in him so much life and joy to meet life. So I'm looking forward to further releases by Peppi. Welcome back.

2 thoughts on “Cycle: Heroes of today

  1. Peppi 9.0

    Danke für Deinen lieben Willkommens-Gruß und Deinen genialen Blog-Eintrag.

    Dass ich mental 33 Mio. Sekunden gebraucht habe um diesen Eintrag zum ersten Mal lesen zu können, sagt viel über die eine Sekunde aus die mich so verändert hat.

    In diesem Sinne: Welcome back Euch allen! Welcome back Leben!


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