#22: strong

This week I was at an information evening at my daughter's school, as they begin in January with a project, that under the title “Self-confidence – Self strengths” was presented. In fact, we got a 1 1/2 Frontalvortrag, which dealt with the issue of child abuse and family violence. Not only that it was produced very oppressive, it was clear, that no question was desired by the parents, but rather the underlying message was conveyed: we find something out, if there is something there.

To my question, where the order come the, came the answer, the teacher, that the children deal openly with strangers, they tell too much of yourself. But where is the limit? I do not want it, that my child is afraid of strangers and your openness buries. Is not that, what we always criticize, that we are Austrians less open, and then shall these things be also trained in the school?!

And of course, we can start with the fear machine and begin to fear the evil man schwazren, only fact is, that attacks on children held a majority in the family and acquaintances. It is an important issue, that belongs sensitized, but please without Stasi methods.

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